Chapter 16

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The day for the second episode came, the episode where Niki and other content creators will be starring in. It was an hour away and everyone was already there and preparing for the cameras. Including Niki and Raven being there for her.

"You'll do great, I know it." Raven said, holding Niki's hands and caressing them.

"Hey Mrs. Moores." Ranboo walked in.

"What?" Raven asked.

"She's taking MY last name,what are you on about?" Niki chimed in, making Raven look at her quickly with a smile.

"Oh, yes, sorry, sorry." Ranboo held her hands up in surrender.

"You guys okay now? Stream starts pretty soon and I'm pounding my heart out." Ranboo said

"You're gonna do great." Raven cupped Ranboos chin, something they grew up doing when the other is troubled or anxious. "Both of you. Yeah, fuck it, all of you." Raven added.

"Thank fuck we get to go home soon." Raven added, the second episode aired and Ranboo came over to their room while Niki was out, they were now looking through social media and posts about the new episode, even though Raven told them it was a bad idea. "I mean, it's great and all but big cities really overwhelm me. All those giant billboards just make me sad."

"Sad? Why?" Ranboo asked- half paying attention with his nose dipped on his phone screen.

"I just hate the thought of this future being all technological, it's sad for some reason. Like, I'm an old girl, you know that." Raven said with no response from the other. "Did you know that we're on the fourth floor of this very tall building?" She followed up, looking at the balcony window.

"Yeah?" Ranboo said, still barely paying attention.

"So when I throw your phone out my balcony it'll probably be broken, unfixable." She said and looked back at Ranboo, who slowly put his phone down from the threat. "Oh, good. You're still attentive to my threats." she added.

"Sorry." He said innocently.

"Dude, you did great on this one. Trust."

"I know, I know."

"No, you don't. But you should, because it was honestly awesome, and intense. It was great." She smiled in assurance.

"I've been preparing this for so long I'm scared I'll screw it up." Ranboo said

"Well, you and Niki have something in common. She was scared the whole time that she'd screw it up for you. But both of you didn't, so calm yourselves because I don't know how else to comfort you. You know I'm bad at that." Raven added,

"Yeah, sorry. You really were bad at it even when we were kids." He smiled

"Duh. My mind goes into a war field whenever I say anything, trying not to say the wrong thing, or even what to say next." She smiled too.

"Do you want to go back to the house, perhaps? Just to visit our parents." He asks out of nowhere.

"Well," And that question made Raven feel a boulder on her chest and pressure on her mind. She should want to, it's her family, but she doesn't. So is she a bad daughter for that? "Yeah, sure." Was the only thing she could say- she should say. Otherwise she'd be a bad family, a traitor. Because we're supposed to miss our families, and take every opportunity to see them, but she knew she hadn't even thought of them when she was in Brighton, she was already with her family- the one she's already missing right now.

"After the show then?" Ranboo asked,

"Yep." She faked a smile that had sad eyes.

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