Chapter 18

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It was a cold December night in Brighton. From miles away are the sound of bells ringing and Christmas songs being sung by groups. And every turn there would at least be 2 buildings covered in warm looking Christmas lights of various shapes and colours. And snow was starting to fall more occasionally.

"What should we do for Christmas this year?" Niki asked, it was a normal night- one of those nights of walking around the city, although it took some convincing to make Raven take a step outside this cold December night.

"I don't know. It's always been a lonely time of the year for me. Seeing houses be covered in lights and decorations back home made me sad; we stopped celebrating when I was 12. So seeing houses be jolly- knowing they probably have a Christmas tree with gifts underneath made me feel alone." Raven responded. She recalled the days of December where it would hit her- that this was the last month of another wasted year. Everyone would be having feasts with a complete family and it would be a memory they would take for granted because they'll be doing it again next. Although for her, those memories feel warm- a sweet past that has certainly passed and done, never happening again.

It was a reminder that she really was lonely, because throughout the year these people were the same as her- busy with work and their lives but they get a break- an opportunity to be with their family, and they do. But for her, even if she wanted to she couldn't. These traitors... they leave me here and go to their families... We were all miserable with work throughout the year, but now I'm alone. People were waiting all year to hang these lights up in their houses. Taking the time in their winter breaks to hang them up, being excited. While everyday was the same for her- when her memories contained warmth of the Christmas feasts and family traditions, her present had the cold room of her house, all grey and alone. With no life or excitement whatsoever.

"Well, we're here for a reason, so," Niki hugged her arm, "What do you want to do?"

Raven couldn't help but smile, another sad tradition in her life was broken and replaced with the warmth she had when she was a kid- which she didn't was possible. She thought those memories were happy because she was a clueless kid back then, therefore can not be recreated anymore. "How 'bout Christmas decorations first?" She asked,

"Yes!" Niki exclaimed, "Back to Kemptown, first thing in the morning."

"Nuh uh," Raven smiled, "We're getting breakfast first."

The next day, after a morning of buying decorations in Kemptown, Niki went out to buy some food for them before they start to decorate Raven's flat. With the food in her hands and only a few steps from the door; Niki heard heavy things sliding on the floor. She rushed to open the door and saw Raven pulling the coffee table of the living room- looking like she was struggling.

"What the hell is going on right now?" Niki asked, standing still in the doorway.

"I'm making room." Raven stood up from her arched back. "I'm inviting some of our friends for Christmas, so they need room."

"Let me help." Niki hurried to the kitchen island and set down the boxes of food. They lifted the coffee table and set it down elsewhere.

"Should we add lights on the balcony railings too?" Raven asked- she's been staring at the balcony with thought for the past 20 seconds.

The afternoon passed, which only consisted of decorating across the apartment and moving furniture for the sake of it. The sun had set hours before, resulting in the living room having the perfect view of the pink sky and a moment of remembering Technoblade due to the colour, how nice it would've been to celebrate with him. Now the sky is covered in scattered stars and clouds blocking them here and there. The lost cold breeze found its way in through the window. The lights from other houses and buildings were beautiful in the eyes; like stars of the earth.

"I think the Christmas tree should be somewhere here." Raven pointed to the now wide floor, she stepped back to get a good look and hit the speaker by accident- resulting in a familiar song playing.

Raven and Niki smiled at the first notes of 'Can't Help Falling in Love' starting to play. Raven took steps toward Niki who had come back from turning off the lights- leaving the yellow beam of Christmas lights across the flat. Raven wrapped her arms around her neck with Nikis falling automatically around Raven's waist.

Wise men say

Only fools rush in

"Thank you." Raven said softly with a sweet smile on her lips.

But I can't help falling in love with you

"For what?" Niki asked as they swung side to side with the soft melody.

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

"For making my time special," She spoke softly

If I can't help falling in love with you?

"Especially this Christmas." She lifted her head from Niki's shoulder and looked at her with a soft smile.

"It's only pay back," She giggled softly, "For making my life special."

The moment passed of their dancing figures visible from the balcony window. The world was still spinning regardless with its cold air and snow falling on the city and yet this moment was special and private, a memory that'll stay with them but not spoken off, a pillar- to support their bond. Seconds- minutes- time would pass over this moment but the memory would be carved in stone, in their minds. Not a single person outside these walls knew a moment like this was occurring nor did they need to. 

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