Chapter 17

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Who knew this cafe would be so special to them. The cafe near the beach that they first met in person. The cafe that became part of their morning routine, to often eat breakfast in. Or to just eat a meal and talk and enjoy the marvellous view. Even though this cafe wasn't particularly out of the ordinary, nor was it only for them; this cafe has set itself a place in their hearts and memory. It might even be ruined depending on how this date will turn out.

The warmth of the sunset beaming over the ocean blue has finished up a nice and romantic view for Raven. A memory she hoped would have a warm glow in her memories; like a core memory perhaps.

Raven has been sitting on one of the tables outside that perfectly faced the sunset, with her eyes close and feeling its light warmth before it leaves for the day. She looked to the side to see Niki walking up to her. And in that moment she rose up and hid a bouquet behind her with a smile. When Niki was finally right in front of her, she then handed her the bouquet of dahlias.

"A gift for ye." Rave said in a funny accent. It's been an anxious day for Raven, but in a good way. She's been hiding something from Niki all morning or rather all month. She even had to lie her way into setting up this date.

With a smile, Niki held the bouquet. "Thanks , love." She chuckled, "What does dahlias mean then?" She quizzed.

"Um," She thought for a moment, "Transition or departure from the normal." She answered. "Oh, and metanoia is kind of similar to that. Because it means changing one's self, mind, or way of life. And both of that are you." She smiled,

"I caused you metanoia? Oh, i'm deeply sorry," Niki smiled,

"Yeah." Raven said nonchalantly. They both chuckled and soon sat down.

"You've done your homework on flowers." Niki said, "And words too."

"Yeah, I put that book you gave to good use, ofcourse." Rave replied.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Niki asked. She proceeded to smell the bouquet of dahlias with a smile.

"Well," Raven started, "Since we basically are always in the same house or flat. I was thinking.. Of moving in together." And right there, Niki's face lit up with joy. Which Raven can only assume is a good sign.

"I would love to!" Niki exclaimed, "Only if we move in your flat." She smiled wide.

"Whatever you want." Raven smiled back fondly.

Niki got up from her seat and ran to Raven to hug her. The moment couldn't have been more perfect. With the two sharing a loving smile over the best news, wrapped around each other's arms.

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