Chapter 21

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There were years in Raven's life where she would feel disappointed about the months that had passed. How most of it was boring and forgotten. But on rare occasions, there is a time when she would look back and be happy or proud of the progress in the year she spent. Doesn't matter how awful or wonderful the year was. She was proud of how she changed and grew. And this year was one of those years.

She was in her dream home with her dream girl. And that dream girl has changed her in so many ways and grown with her. Last year or even months ago, she would keep thinking he doesn't deserve Niki. Buut because of her, she was only happy that Niki was there.

With the year of changes, she was happy to move on to the next one with Niki by her side. Starting tonight when the clock strikes midnight. December 31, New year's eve. Charlie had just arrived this morning to spend the celebration with his friends. Who most happened to be in the UK. It was a last minute plan, even Raven and Niki were shocked about it. Not to mention that they only heard about it from him when he was already getting to the airport. Niki had said that hotels would be packed since most had the same idea. So the couple had offered their guestroom.

The snow was still covering the whole country. Though the Christmas lights weren't as much as they were just a week ago. Most have already taken theirs down and moved on. But with Niki's german blood and Raven's stubbornness and a pinch of laziness, it's staying until February. And no one has the right to protest against it.

With the couple's busyness on the planning for New year, they've completely lost track of time. So it was a surprise to suddenly hear their doorbell ring. They both rushed to the door and opened it.

"Charlie!" Raven exclaimed with Niki smiling next to her.

"Hey! Again, I am so sorry about this."

"And again, it's no big deal, man! It's great to have you here." niki said,

"Come in!" Raven said and so Charlie did.

"The guest room is all done!" Niki exclaimed,

The two led Charlie to his room. In which placed his bags and thanked them for the room.

No matter how much Raven and Niki wanted to go with Charlie to hang out with the others. They still haven't decided on what to do for tonight. So they decided to stay and continue planning. Even if they've already been planning for hours and gotten nowhere.

"We're gonna have to decide already." Raven said,

"Devil's Dyke?"

"What are you thinking?"

"We have a picnic there. Then we camp overnight while watching the fireworks at midnight."

With that it was set. Hours of planning led to the place they've been before. But she can't complainNor does she want to.

"You don't wanna spend the night with our friends?" Raven asked

"Do you?"

"I'm asking you, darling."

"I love them but I wanna spend it with you, and you only.

The evening passed already, so did most of the night. With no word from anybody all day. Or any sign of Charlie ming home soon. The two were worried, Charlie was in a different country late at night. He could be anywhere by now. The guarantee that the others are still with now can't even be assured. Anything could happen.

Then the doorbell rang. Raven opened it to see Wilbur and Phil carrying Charlie, who's passed out, over their shoulder.

"Crazy thing." Wilbur smiled awkwardly,

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