Chapter 15

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"Woah." Both Niki and Raven said as they saw the sets of every episode. Including the carousel Niki will soon be sitting on.

Hours passed of the staff and director, including Ranboo, show the sets and tell the events that were to happen. Though not everyone got to hear everything, for the purpose of surprise, even for the cast.

They all soon arrived at the room most of the cast should be concerned for, as most of them are only showing up here, the carousel. Minutes passed of sitting down and listening to the director telling what was to come. And soon everyone got to rest, everyone spread out the set, some continued to film and vlog the set. Niki and Raven stayed in the carousel room. Niki sat on the edge of the carousel, it wasn't spoken nor even shown but Raven could sense the Anxiety setting in for Niki.

She looked down at Niki's hands which were on her lap, holding itself and even caressing itself. Something Niki always does for everyone when they need comforting, including Raven. Turns out Niki does it to herself too.

This was something she's been doing for a long time, something that calmed her down even for a little bit. She started doing it to her friends in hopes that it'll calm them down aaas well, although no one has ever done it for her. Frankly because she's never shown she was nervous or anxious to anyone, that is until these group of people showed up in her life. But still not a hand to hold or to caress hers when in need.

So, Raven took initiative. She took Nikis hands and placed them on her own lap and caressed them just like Niki would do to others. They shared a smile as Raven continued to bring her comfort, the way no one else ever has.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Raven asked, "It could help."

"I'm just a little nervous. Don't want to mess this up for Ran." Niki looked down at her feet.

"You won't." Raven smiled and held Niki's hands tight. "You're gonna be great."

"And if it's any consolation.." Raven added, "I don't feel that great here either."

"Oh? Why?" Niki tilted her head in curiosity.

"I can't explain it. It's like something wrong happened here, to me."Raven scrunched her brows, "Like a memory that isn't mine, making me feel something. Like it triggered a sort of trauma."

Soon their conversation was cut short by someone walking in. "Uh, guys. We're going to the next room." Ranboo said.

"Oh, coming." Niki said. They got up and followed Ranboo out of the room and on to the next one.''

It was now a beautiful night and they were looking out of the hotel balcony, looking up at the sky. Starless, caused by the light pollution of this big city.

"It's a shame there aren't any stars in this city." Niki said as they looked up at the empty sky.

"Yeah, I can't even see the moon because of the tall ass buildings." Raven said, making them both laugh.

"Also can't go on late night walks." Niki added

"I miss late night walks."

"We'll do that when we get home." Niki smiled at her.

Suddenly, a ping came from Raven's phone, which she was holding all along. She read a message, "Oh!" She exclaimed and rushed out of the room, leaving Niki confused.

After a few minutes of Niki continuing to gaze at the vehicles underneath, Raven came back with bags of food.

"I ordered Mcdonalds!" Raven exclaimed, holding up the two bags.

"Oh, that's good timing! I was getting hungry." Niki walked back inside and to their bed, following up to Raven putting down the bag on the bed.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Raven asked as she took out the boxes, "Hold these." She gave Niki the cups of soda.

"I don't really know." Niki said, taking a sip out of the cup of coca cola.

"Tell me next time, okay?" Raven said, placing a box of burger and fries in front of Niki.

"Okay, darling. I will." Niki smiled.

Raven stood up and grabbed a stool and placed it near their bed and food. She took her own drink from Nik's hand and placed it on the stool. "You can put the drink here," She smiled and pointed at the stool, " We can't have them spilling on the bed."

They spent their time eating and talking about various things. Laughing and teasing each other. A simple time as the world continued to spin and Cars beneath them continued to run.

"This was an exhausting day." Raven said, after finishing their food and cleaning up.

"Agreed." Niki leaned on her bed head as she held the TV remote, looking for anything to watch.

Raven walked over to Niki and placed her head on Niki's lap who was surprised as this is her first time ever doing this. "You are just full of surprises tonight." Niki said, placing a hand on Raven's layed down waist.

"Is this okay?" Raven looked up,

"Yes, of course!" Niki answered.

Continuing the night as Raven fell asleep on her lap. Soon the tiredness reached her too and placed Raven on the pillow next to her and laid down too. Hugging the fully asleep Raven.

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