Chapter 7:

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"Ravenn!" Niki called at 9 am in the morning, waking the poor Raven who stayed up 'till 2 am doing school work.

"Nghh." Raven grunted as she shot her head up from her pillow and immediately collapsed her head back on the pillow.

"Oh, sorry." Niki winced, spotting the sleepy Raven with her hair blocking her face. "Uh, good morning." She sat on the side of her bed, " I was just thinking we grab breakfast and I was planning that we go to Devil's Dyke today."

Raven's head shot up again, sweeping her hair out of her face, "I'm sorry, The Devil's what??"

Niki laughed to herself, "The Devil's Dyke. Don't ask me why it's called that because I wonder that myself." She brushed a few of Raven's messy hair sticking up, "It's a very nature-y place, with hills covered in grass and flowers like irises. And forests."

"A place so beautiful manages to offend both the Christians and the Gays." Raven smiled as she slowly sat up. " And if we're gonna do nature today, might as well have a bonfire tonight."

"Did you not hear the part about forests?"

"Yeah obviously not anywhere close to trees." Raven said. Niki sat up giving Raven the space to get up from bed.

"We'll discuss that later."


"Holy fuck." Raven said through the moving car's window as they entered Devil's Dyke. " This is huge!" She exclaimed and put her head back in the car. "And it's actually called that." She said to Niki, who was the one on the driver's seat.


"Ah! Fresh air!" Raven exclaimed. She opened her arms wide, soaking in the hot sun and fresh air on top of the hill.

"Told you you'd love it!" Niki finally caught up to her.

"It's so pretty here!" Raven exclaimed once again. Staring at the acres of land containing various sizes of hills and grass among fields of flowers being blown to the side by the everlasting strong and cold wind. The Sky looking its most blue and the sun being its most yellow and beautiful but thin clouds scattered across the never ending sky and it's beauty that no one can be even close to comprehend how infinite it is.

"Ooh! Benches!" Raven pointed at a distant scattered row of semi empty brown wooden benches. She ran to it as Niki tried to catch up again with a smile on her face, seeing the inner, uncured child inside Raven be so ignited. Raven sat down and left a space for Niki to sit on, which she petted as an invite. Niki sat down and set the bags of food for their tiny lunch picnic.

"We should probably eat now, since we're here and it's.." Niki looked at the watch on her wrist, "already past 12."

"Ooh, let's." She smiled once more and set the bags between their feets. She pulled out boxes of food from Greggs.

"Right, a sausage roll for me." She set it down on the space between them on the bench, "Roast chicken salad roll for you," She hands niki her sandwich, "Ooh, a slice of pepperoni pizza, forgot about that."

"That's for you." Niki smiled,

"Indeed," Raven said as she kept looking in the bag, "Ah, Pain au chocolat, mi amor." she said as she brought it up to her chest as if it was her love.

"What," Niki chuckled, "that's spanish"

"The pain au chocolat? No, it's french."

"No, I meant the "mi amor" is spanish." She continued smiling.

"Oh," She blushed, hearing the words come out of Niki's mouth, "Right. I knew that." She said as they both laughed.


They walked around the hill and came close to the field of iris' seeing as the flowers started to appear here and there. But the iris wasn't the only thing they spotted. At the field of the particularly taller iris was Aimsey, sitting among them, distracted at something he's writing in a black notebook.

"Is that..?" Niki said as they started to walk closer. "Aimsey?" She finished making the person look up from her work.

"Oh, hi!" Aimsey waved with a smile. The other two walked closer.

"Hey, man, fancy seeing you here!" Raven said as Aimsey was standing for a hug.

"Yeah, I come here almost everyday to journal some thoughts." Aimsey siad after letting go of the hug.

"Oh, sorry for the interruption." Niki chimed.

"no , it's okay. What are you guys doing here?" Aimsey asked.

"Exploring Brighton. Just ate lunch here, a couple minutes ago." Niki answered.

"You guys should totally check the trail to the forest just there." Aimsey pointed behind her.

"Yeah we were just heading there!" Raven said

"Wanna come with us?" Niki asked.

"No, you guys go ahead. I still need to journal."

" Oh okay. Have fun!" Niki cheers as they start to walk away.


"How have we spent the whole afternoon here?" Niki asked. They were sitting next to each other in front of a bonfire in the rented campsite with a designated bonfire and chairs and smores skewer.

"No idea. Glad we did though." She smiled as they shared a blanket while cooking their marshmallows under the night sky and its moon and stars. Soon enough a loud bang came from a distance and soon came the explosion of colours and fire in the sky.

"Looks like someone likes using fireworks as a celebration for something." Raven said.

"It's pretty though." Niki smiled as they both looked up to see the continuance explosion in the sky.

"Very pretty." Raven said as she was looking directly at the oblivious Niki and not giving a damn about the fireworks from the afar. When the beauty was right here, next to her.

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