Chapter 4:

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They were outside this time, she was already dressed and ready; she was on her way to meet with Niki and spent 10 minutes trying to find the cafe they agreed to meet with. Ranboo has already gone to the beach to hang out with Aimsey and Guqqie.

She was sitting at the cafe they agreed on. A cafe that faced the beach and ocean, she envisioned how beautiful it would be if the sun set in the ocean in front of her. She found this cafe comforting for some reason. The way that it's small but enough, the white and red striped tarp serving as her roof on the tables outside. The branches and flowers climbing up the small brick walls.

She was still waiting for Niki since she was 10 minutes early and has only been scrolling on her phone, oblivious to how much time has passed.

"Raven!" She heard Niki which made her get up to hug her. "Oh my god! It's so good to see you!"

During the time they've known each other, which was when they chatted in the Dream smp when Ranboo had to leave for a few minutes and let her play, they've been on call non-stop. Ever since Ranboo had to jump between the UK and America they've been distant but with Niki, she can call and stay there for hours. It made them both incredibly happy to be finally talking in person.

They both sat down and the waitress took their order and gave them some juice for the time being.

"I can't believe we're actually talking in person, this is insane!" Raven exclaimed.

"I know! It's been, what? A year and a half of only calls, it's like a dream come true."

"It really is!"

"We should explore Brighton and maybe even London, when we're done with Brighton, of course."

"Oh definitely, I'll visit the whole of England, hell, the whole of the U.K. with you."

It really hasn't been long since she has developed feelings for Niki but thought that it would never work out. She was hundreds of miles away from her, and a feeling inside her keeps shouting that she isn't good enough for her.

And even if that wasn't true, she knew that if she has that mindset then she's not mentally well enough to even date. She didn't want Niki to keep pleasing her only because a voice in her head is saying Niki doesn't like her, just because she's away. Niki deserves someone who would do that for her, not the other way around.

"So, what's your plan now?" Niki asked.

"Well, I'll still finish college, I've only got a year, might as well. And I also got a job at a restaurant. I start at monday. It's still Saturday right now, so I've got some little time."

"Wait, a year in college? Aren't you 19?"

"Yeah. But I graduated high school a year early, so I started college at 17."

"Holy shit. That's really cool!"

"Yeah, It's a win, just a little win but still. I get to leave hell hole a year earlier."

"Yeah, a bigger win for me, though." She laughed.

"Yeah yeah, you just dropped out."

After a lunch of talking about various things, they went down the beach to go to Ranboo and buy things for her house.

"Why the hell is this beach filled with rocks, anyway? What kind of beach is this?" Raven heard Ranboo complain to Aimsey and Guqqie as they were sitting down on the beach.

"You live here. You should be used to it by now." Raven chimed in with a smirk while her and niki were walking to them.

All three got up, "Oh ,hi, Raven!" Aimsey greeted, waving happily at her.

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