Chapter 1-where it all begins

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Savannah P.O.V


Ugh! Stupid alarm! I said throwing it across the room. And snugging back into my warmth of my pillow. Awe this is life- "Savannah Mary Bailey get you butt up for school you are gonna be late!"

"Mmmmmmm" I groaned as I tiredly got out of my paradise. I checked my phone to see what time it was. 7:40! School starts in 20 minutes. No! I am gonna be late.. I quickly ran into my bathroom and quickly took the fastest shower I ever took in my life, brush my teeth in maximum speed but still did every spot in my mouth. What? I have to keep these babies clean so I won't have cavities. Then I quickly ran to my closet and found anything that was suitable. But found nothing! "I don't have time for this!" I yelled and grabbed leggings and a white sweater with my boot. I braid my hair to the side than flew down the stairs in record time. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a banana then was out of the house into Andrews car. Andrew is one of my best friends.

"What took you so long?!" He said in anger.

"Sorry I woke up late" I said trying to stay one his good side. Just saying his bad side well is bad. I was on his bad side and he threw me into his pool. Yup, it was that bad.

"Whatever Savvy but you better not make me late again or else" I gulped as he said else. Then he burst out laughing.

"What's so funny!" I yelled at him as I slapped his shoulder.

"Hey don't need to be abusive and there my friend was priceless! But you better not make me late, like last time" he said glaring at me.

"Hey it's not my fault that the teacher is a jerk! He basically hates me!" I said rolling my eyes.

"He wouldn't have hate you if you didn't pull that stupid prank on him last year"

"Hey, it was April fools!" I said tryings to defend myself.

"But you shaved half his head and dyed it black and yellow then took a picture saying bumble bee" I chuckled. That was the best prank I ever did and it was my last. As we finally made it to school I made a run for it into the safety of the school, Not! I hate school even though I get good grades I still hate it. As I ran into the school I still had 5 minutes to spare so I just headed to my locker. As I was walking someone nudge past me like there is no tomorrow as I turn around I saw him. The school badboy, Jacob Michaels,smirking at me. What the heck is his problem.

"Watch where you are going,nerd!" He yelled at me. Oh two can play at that game Jacob.

"I would have but you are so dumb that I didn't notice you there"Burn Jacob! Don't mess with Savannah Bailey! He turn back and smirked. He started to walked toward me like really close to me. I started to back up but my back hit the lockers. Dang you lockers! He was so close that I could feel his warm breath against my skin. I liked it, Wait what! Snap out of it Savannah! He the schools biggest player and jerk. He started to lean into my ear and spoked.

"Watch what you say nerd. I can make your life a living hell" he said then step back and smirk. What with him and smirking? But that sounded like a threat. And I am not scared of him he just messing with me.

"I am not scared of the Mr. Badboy!" I spatted out to him. He did that stupid smirk again, " you don't know what I am capable of, nerd" then he walked off to who knows where. I let what he said to me to the back of my head. I walked in my first class, Science to see a somewhat angry teacher, Mr. Kay. He looked at me like I was a alien or something.

"Miss Bailey why are you late to my class and interrupting my class?"

"I am terrible sorry Mr.Kay I was having trouble with my locker" I lied. It was all Mr. Badboy fault! He made me late what a jerk! "Very well, next time it will be a detention Miss Bailey" Ugh! No I can't be late again or I have to sit in a smelly class room for a whole hour! Can this day get any worse. "Yes Mr. Kay" I said taking a seat next to Scarlet. My other best friend.

"Hey what really happen" she whispered to me. She knows when I lie what can I say she probably knows more about me that I do! " I will tell you at lunch" I whisper back.

"Ok class, today we will be doing a experiment today and I will let you choose your partners, follow the guide so you won't mess up" he said before we were off doing this potion making. That's what I call it don't judge me! During this potion making or experiment something big happen. "Poofsh!"

"Savvy! You skip a step!" Scarlet said yelling at me. "Sorry, but if you haven't notice that I have blue stuff all over my face!" Once she notice she burst out laughing. Friends these days.

"Miss Fletcher is anything wrong" Mr. Kay said coming toward us. "Oh my, Miss Bailey go to the nurses office to get that clean up. And next time follow all the directions" he said before leaving. As I got up I punched Scarlet in her arm. "Ouch, what was that for" she said rubbing her arm."just being friendly" I said before leaving the room. Ugh! This day is just getting worse! As I was walking I bumped into a hard chest I didn't even bother look up I just apologized" sorry, didn't see you there" I said trying to pass the figure but he wouldn't let me pass. As I looked up it was none other that Jacob Michael, the badboy. Ugh! Why am I bumping in to him today. "Oops I take back that sorry" I said. But he just stared at me. Probably from the blue on my face. "I think I found a smurf wondering around" he said smirking. "Shut up!" I yelled punching him but he caught my fist just in the nick of time."fiesty, I like it. But you know you a have something on your face. Over did your makeup?" I rolled my eyes. "Haha very funny, it was a accident in science" I said trying not to check him out but it was impossible! He was totally tone, he had brown hair and the prettiest blue eyes I ever seen!

"Like what you see?" He noticed I checked him out! Great! "You wish" I said covering my blush but the blue did the job for me."sure" he said rolling his eyes" I know you are attracted to me, nerd" did he just read my face. I guess I am easy to read, one of my weakness. "Pfft.... You wish Sherlock. Now can you let me pass I kind of want to get this mess off my face" I said nodding in the direction I want to go in. " Then you have to scrub real hard" he said. Ugh! I hate this guy even though I don't but he is being a jerk right now!" Shut up!" I said trying to throw another punch but failed. How is he catching my fist ?!"You are weak sweetheart, don't try to punch this face it worth billions" I chuckled at his cockiness. "Whatever now can I pass" I said pulling my fist from his grip." Sure thing but first" he walked toward me into the lockers an whispered something into my ear." I know you are attracted to me, nerd" and with that he was out of sight.

Am I really attracted to this badboy?

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