Chapter 24- A trip to the office

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Savannah P.O.V

I was currently in math class doodling in my notebook. I already finished the homework she assigned us, so I wasn't doing anything bad. "Miss Bailey have you finished the work sheet?" I looked up and nodded. "Very well, may I see it" I got up and handed her the piece of paper. I walked back to my seat and sat there till the bell rang.
   I walked up to my locker to get my books for social studies. "Hey loser" Ugh! Jessica always wants to mess with me. I closed my locker and looked up at her. Like literally she wears these 15 inch heels that make her look like a giant, okay well maybe not 15 inch heels but still why would you where heels to school. "What do you want? Me to do your homework?" I asked. "Haha little miss nerd here thinks she can be all cool" she said looking down at her minions. They all laughed. "No, I don't think I can be cool, I know that I am cool" I spatted at her. She gave me a dirty look till she pushed me against the lockers and pulled me up to her height. Wow for a chick like her she has muscle. " think you can back talk to me huh? You best be scared cause I can ruin your life" with that she slapped my face again. Tears stung my face as she dropped me. "You best be running cause I am going to slap the living shiz out of you" We snapped our heads to see Jacob and his gang walking up to us. "Oh hey Jacob, you here to finish this freak" Jessica smirked walking up to him. "Nope, but I was thinking to a snob with high heels" he pushed her and came up to me. "Hey you okay" I nodded as he lifted me up and brushed his fingers against my bright red cheek. "Sense when did Mr. Bad boy care for little miss freak" Jacob rolled his eyes and looked at Jessica. "When I realized how real she is and how fake you are. Um let me guest plastic surgery?" Did he just say that. Out of no where I bursted out laughing in Jacob arms. Jessica huffed before stomping away with her minions. "T-that was a good one!" I laughed. "I seen better" Nathan said walking up with us. "I seen better my butt" Jacob mocked Nathan. "Oh shut up" after I finished laughing I grabbed the books that felled and looked at the time. "I need to go. Class is in 2 minutes" Jacob grabbed my hand as we walked down the hall to social studies, not. He actually grabbed me in bridal form and dashed down the halls like Lightning McQueen. (Get it like lightning McQueen cause he is a race car and race cars are fast. Okay anyways back to the story) "Jacob you didn't need to do that" I mumbled as he placed me down as we walked into class. "What? I like to cause scenes princess" he said making clicking sound with his tongue. I sat down and grabbed the assignment that was due awhile back ago. I forgot to tell you the reason, okay so the teacher extended the due date cause she was admitted into the hospital after getting a marble stuck in her ribs. I was laughing (in the inside) when they told that news. "Good afternoon class today is the due date for the project so just turn it in" I got up and placed it into the bin. "Mrs. Kong make sure you don't eat a marble again" one of though rebellion kids said. "Mr. Sling go to the office!" She yelled embarrass. Her face was pink. "Anyways class time for the test" what?! I totally forgot about that test! My eyes went big and heat rises up to my head. Great! This is the first time Haven't study. She started to pass the test that will kill me. I sighed and took my pencil out. I could always retake it. Yea do that Savannah you can retake it of you failed it.

Jacob P.O.V

Pffft....... Another stupid test, I bet the nerd is nervous. I glanced at her, yup, she scared. Once the teacher pasted this stupid test I went to work. A......B......C......D I circled till I was finished. After I went on my phone playing this stupid game called flappy bird. Do they want me to break my phone?! "Mr. Michaels have you finished?" I snapped my head up and smirked at Mrs. Kong. "Of coarse I finished" I said. "Then can you hand it in" she snapped. "Snappy are we?? Tsk...... Tsk..... Tsk don't be like donkey kong" I got up and placed the paper forcefully. "Mr. Michaels don't have this attitude" she said. "Whatever Mrs. Kong I am the bad boy. You can't tell me what to do" I snapped turning around. I glanced at Savannah and she looked mad. But why would I care expect I do sense she is my girlfriend. "Mr. Michael go to the office" she yelled. I turned around and smirked. "Gladly" I said walking out and slamming the door.
"Mr. Michaels the principal will see you now" I sighed and got up to the room I been in for I don't know 1,000 times. "Take a seat" I took it and look at her. "Know you know that your are a smart. Why so foolish?"I rolled my eyes. Not this question again. "Look Mrs. Sean I am not foolish just bad" I said leaning back. "Mr. Michael I don't want to expel you and you been suspended enough so you need to change your act" I snorted. You can't change a bad boy, especially this bad boy. "You can't change me, and you won't either" I snapped slamming my fist on her desk. She flinched and straighten up. "I think there is someone that can" she said picking up the phone. I huffed and leaned back in my chair. "Miss Bailey report to the principal office" she said. She called the nerd, I mean my girlfriend. I rolled my eyes. "Now Miss Bailey is a very smart, talent, and respectful young girl I hope you will learn a thing or two form her" I smiled in the inside. Savannah is all though things. The door opened and Savannah had a worried look. "I am so sorry for what I did. What did I do exactly?" She said sitting down. She didn't notice me till I nudge her. She looked confused but focused on the principal. "You are not in trouble Miss Bailey" she sighed and nodded. "You are going to be teaching Mr. Michaels some lesson with manners and respecting people" She glanced at me raising an eyebrow. "Mrs. Sean did you not know something" I said wrapping my arm around Savannah. She looked surprised. "She is my girlfriend" I smirked planting and kiss on Savannah's cheek. "Is this true?" Mrs. Sean said looking at Savannah. She slowly nodded and bit her lip. "Well maybe you two dating will help teach you two lessons" she said. I raised an eyebrow. "She means sense we are dating we can learn a thing or two" Savannah said. I nodded. "Well you two need to head back to class" We nodded and left the office. When we were in the hall Savannah slapped me. "Hey what gives?!" I yelled. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "For being this stupid! Can't you keep your mouth shut!" She yelled. "Hey babe you know I can't" I said wrapping my arm around her waist. She rolled her eyes and pushed me off her. I huffed and pushed her against the lockers. "You don't push me babe" I said crashing me lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my torso. I deepen the kiss making it rough but I guess passionate. A moan escape her lips and I just chuckled. "Enjoying this huh?" I smiled and kept on kissing her. The bell rang interrupting us. She lightly pushed me back and smiled. "I have to go. My parents are coming home today" I sighed and let go of her. "I will see you later" I whispered in her ear. She smiled and nodded. "Bye" she said before running down the halls. I chuckled. She is one of a kind, and yet she is mine.

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