Chapter 9- Oh No!

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Savannah P.O.V

I went to my room and didn't even change. All I wanted was sleep.....nice and peaceful-*RING* stupid phone! I picked it up to see who would call me. Scarlet! No I'm dead. Someone plan my funeral cause after this I'm dead! I slowly pick up the phone and answered it. I put on speaker cause we all know Scarlet going to yell at me.

"Hello?" I said calmly into the phone.

"WHERE WERE YOU!" Scarlet yelled.

" I was sick"


" fine I confess.... I ditch which Jacob"

" Oh being bad I see"

"whatever.... I want to sleep I will tell the rest of the story tomorrow bye!"

"Bye girl"

I plugged in my phone and shut off my light and I was about to fall asleep till I got a text message.
Unknown~ Hey beautiful why are you sleeping so early. Stay up. I want to see your beautiful face before it's gone! Haha! You won't stay alive for much longer princess we are coming for you and your boyfriend! We are watching your every move so it would be best if you stay quite about our little conversation..... Don't want to get anyone else involved in this now would we. Xoxo See you in the morning!

Who is this guy? Why is he stalking me. I never did anything bad. Maybe this is a joke or something. I don't even have a boyfriend! And I'm too young to die! I slowly put my phone down and went back to sleep. I won't let this person get the best of me.

Jacob P.O.V

I'm such a idiot! What was I thinking kissing her and telling her about my family! Stupid...... Stupid........STUPID! Now she going to fall for me and I don't want that.....but you do want that! No! I don't! She will be a victim to them..... I can't lose her too! I wish I wasn't this Bad boy that I am! I walked up to my room and flopped on my bed. I won't bring her into this mess I started..... No! What he started! *Ring* I picked up my phone and a got a mysterious text message.

Unknown~ We are watching her. She won't be safe any longer Jacob. Soon you and your girlfriend will suffer! And don't worry your little friend is safe and sound with me. I just adore her! And soon she will be my wife and you and your girlfriend are invited just before your deaths happens. Enjoy life before it's gone.

Jacob- She not my GIRLFRIEND! Don't and may I repeat don't bring her into this! I swear if you do I will find away to ruin your little act of yours!

I threw my phone across the room. Ugh! Savannah can't be in this mess. And I won't let her. And I swear he will not marry her not her, not the one I care for, the one who raised me. Sydney. My sister.

Savannah P.O.V

I yawn as I got up for school. I walked to my bathroom and took a nice warm shower that I really needed. I didn't feel like wearing anything nice so I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. So orginal! I went down stairs to find a note.

Good morning sweetie. Me and your father are gone on a business trip. So you are going to watch the house for us. Sense we all know Kindle and Ben won't be here. And if they do tell them that we left for work and won't be back. Sorry we didn't tell you in person but it was on short notice. We left some money for food and what not. We are trusting you. You can invite your friends but NO PARTIES! Love you always~ Mom and dad.

Sweet home alone. I ate my breakfast and watched tv till Andrew came and take me to school. *beep* I picked up my phone and it was a text message from Andrew.

Andrew- Sorry I'm sick can't pick you up. Sorry!

Great now I have to walk. Good thing I woke up early. I grabbed my bag and started to walk. It was a bit chilly out but that didn't bother me. I walked down a couple more blocks till some one horn beep. Which startled me as I went face first to the ground.
"Wow I didn't know that would scare you Nerd." Oh no! Not him! Not that kid. Note the sarcasm! "What do you want Jacob?!" I said getting up from the hard, cold ground. "What I just wanted to see my princess" my cheeks started to heat up. Dang you blushing! "In your dreams!" I said as I started to walk "get in!" Jacob yell as he pulled up by me. "Why should I? You might kill me?" "You know I wouldn't do that now get in before I change my mind!" I sighed as I got into his car. The car ride was silent till Jacob broke the silence." Have any unknown person texted you" My mind directly went back to yesterday. How would he know about that? "Y-yea why" I said looking at him. "Savannah you need to tell me what he said" He said clenching his jaw. "Something about killing me and someone" I said getting scared. "That someone is me. He thinks your dating me and sense your in my life he going to get you." What is he trying to say? "What are you saying?" "Savannah I can't see you anymore" No no no! This can't be happening. "I just can't forget you. Your my friend!" I nearly yelled. "This is for your safety. Please don't talk or come near me. I'm not going to lose you to" did he lost someone else. "What?" I asked. "nothing we are here get out." "Jacob" I said touching his shoulder."don't touch me! I told you to get out of my life and pretend I never met you now GET OUT!" I wince. I got out of the car and walked inside. I wanted to cry and just die in a hole. My face went face first to the ground. I looked up,and Jessica was smiling. She tripped me! "Oh little miss nerd is heart broken. Cause big bad boy hurt her feelings."Why is she such a brat!" Leave me alone Jessica!" I said getting up. "Not after I do this" She said as her hand connected with my face. She slapped me! Hard! My cheeks sting and tear came pouring out. "Back off his is mine!" She said walking off. I would care less if she goes for him. I looked out of the cover of my eye and saw Jacob walking past me like I wasn't even there. I just wanted to cry. Cry hard. Cry like there is no tomorrow. I'm hurt, broken, and destroyed. Just over one guy.

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