Chapter 13- not how I expected

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Savannah P.O.V

  I really don't know how long I been here. But you don't even know how I feel right now, I HAVE TO PEE! This is pure torture! My Blatter might explode! I was still tied to the chair and my mouth is covered with duct tape. So no one will here me. "Mmmmmmm! Hhhhmmm!" I yelled. "What was that?" I looked up to see Jared and his minions. "Mmmmhmh!" I yelled again. "You should keep quiet... Or my gun might shoot your head off!" He threaten. I looked down at my shoes. Stupid heals! I probably could have out run them! I sighed and a single tear went on the cold ground. "Awe don't cry. Your life will end shortly" he said lifting my chin up. I snapped my head away from his hand. "Now now don't be sassy" he said before heading to the table of cigarettes and beers. "Men will will get our revenge!" Jared announce. They all pumped their fists in the air. "Jared?" A female voice said. I looked up and saw a brown hair girl standing in the doorway. "What Sydney!" He snapped. She winced then looked at me. "The pizza guy is here" she said looking down at the floor. "Well then get the fricken pizza!" He yelled. She nodded then left. "She is hot but a softie" one guy said. "I know a hot babe but I am only using her" He said grabbing out some bag. "This is the stuff" he said throwing the bag on the table. "The stuff we are going to drug them with"They are going to drug someone. How cruel! "After that we will rob them" Jared said smirking. "Here's the pizza" Sydney said. "Finally!" Jared said snatching the pizza from her hands. "Now go!" He said turning back to the table. "Open the bag" he instructed. Blake open the bag and pulled out a littler bag with some kind of drug. Jared open the pizza box and open the drug filled bag. "After this men we will be rich!" Jared said before pouring the drug on the pizza and closing the box. "Let's go men and for you" he said pointing at me. "Stay put or else" after that they left the room. This is bad!

Jacob P.O.V

We walked out to me and Jason's car. I had Nathan and scarlet. Jason has Brady. I turned on the ignition and sped off. It was dark out and couldn't see well sense I broke my head lights. Long story don't ask. "We need a plan" Scarlet said. "I know" I said speeding up. The faster we get there the sooner we can save Savannah and maybe my sister. "Then what?" Gosh she can be such a smart mouth. "Well you are staying here, Jason is going to hack on the cameras so we can find were they a captive, then sneak in" I told her. "Okay" was all she said before she finally shut up. "Maybe you should call your sister" Nathan said. "Sister? They got you sister! How?!" Scarlet nearly yelled into my ear. "Long story, but yea I haven't called for awhile" I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. "Hello?" That familiar voice spoke. I smiled.

"Hey sis" I said

"Jacob! They have you friend!" She almost yelled into the phone.

"Her name is Savannah, is she ok?" I asked worried. They better not lay a hand on her!

"Not for long, Jared and his gang left to rob someone" Idoit!

"Okay sis, pack your stuff we are going to save you and Savannah" I said. I am not leaving her with them.

"I don't know Jacob. They will hunt you down if I left" I clenched my jaw. She is going to come with us.

"I am not leaving you!" I yelled.

"Jacob! If you take me then he will find and kill you! I want to leave but-"

"But nothing! Trust me okay" I said trying not to blow.

"Ok Jacob. I will pack what I need. But one more thing"


"Is that girl, Savannah your girlfriend?" I sighed.

"No, no she is not just a friend"

"Oh I was just wondering because earlier she was screaming your name"

"Make sure she is ok" I said. I don't want to lose Savannah. I don't know what I am feeling right now. I am mad, worried, scared. Hey! Bad boys have feelings to! Don't judge! "Okay Jacob" She said. "Bye I will see you later" I said calmly. "Bye Jacob but just to let you know falling in love is not a bad thing" And with that she hanged up the phone leaving me word less. Is falling in love a good thing. Wait! I am not falling in love! Am I? No! Savannah is just a girl that is my friend. Only a friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Ok this is not helping. Maybe I do like her a little but not IN love with her. Not yet all I need is her in my arms. "What did she said?" Scarlet asked which woke me from my daze. "Oh um she said a Savannah is fine and that she is coming with us, we are going to save both of them." I said glancing at both of them. "Right there! That's the dock" Nathan said pointing to a dock filled with big boats. "Ok we need to hind my car so they don't know we are here" I said turning. "Over there" Scarlet said pointing to bushes. "Perfect" I said driving next to the bushes. Hopefully this will hind my car and maybe Jason's. I took my keys out, turning off the ignition. I took my gun out and loaded up with more bullets. I placed my knife in my side pocket. "Okay Scarlet stay here, let's go Nathan" I said getting out of my car and heading to Jason's. "Ok Jason did you hack into the cameras yet?" I asked. "Almost.........done!" He handed the computer to me. I looked at the cameras till I found the one that showed Savannah. "She is in the storage room" I said looking at her. She was tied down and her mouth was duct taped. She look miserable. I need to get to her. "You ready?" Brady asked. "I am ready"

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