Chapter 35- No such thing as a happy ending part 1

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Savannah P.O.V

  I sat there blank minded staring off into space. I didn't want any of all. But stupid me fell for the bad boy and look where I ended up. Just think of it if I didn't crash into him, this would never happen and I would be happy with my friends and family. I wouldn't hate my brother for telling, I wouldn't be bullied by Jessica, and I wouldn't be in love with a bad boy. You see life gets your mind mess up. Wanting you to make a chose to how your life will effect you.  However, life makes you think, on how important your decisions really are, and how you shouldn't take it for granted. So, I sat there in this metal chair ready to be out of this world filled with hate. Scar left to get tools to torture me with till I die of the pain. I don't want to die, to be honest. Just this of it..... I am only a teenager, about to be a adult. I won't have kids, I won't grow happy with my soulmate, and I won't see my family and friend. And this is when I had to think of something, to get out of here. My hands were tied, as so were my legs. I looked around the room. There were knifes on one side of the room and rope on the other. Man this is a death trap right here. If only I could get a hold of one of those knives, I could cut these ropes right off. So, I started to scoot myself towards the sharp objects. And to be honest I look like a whale on a beach trying to get back into the ocean. All most there. "Where you think your going?" I snapped my head at the door Scar had a gun pointed to my head. I gulp and gave a worry laugh. "N-nothing?" I said in a question. He looked at me before walking up still having the gun pointed at me. "Nothing? You look like you trying to escape?" I shook my head slowly. Please don't kill me. "Lying isn't good sweet heart. I hate liars" he said before pulling the trigger.

Jacobs P.O.V
I was pacing back and forth waiting for the rest of the guys. What takes them so damn long?! I sat on the bed and looked down at the ground. I wonder what Savannah is doing. Look at me, caring for a damn girl that wants nothing with me. I started to tap my foot impatiently waiting for Jason and the rest.


A few minutes later there was a knock on the window. I looked up and saw Jason pounding on the window above my bed. I gave him the finger, while he just laughed. After pounding that thing with a crowbar he finally broke the glass and came into the room. "What the hell man?" I said smacking his chest. "What? That was a smart idea" I rolled my eyes as he handed me my gun and bullets. "Where are the others?" I said placing the bullets in my pocket. "They're scouting the perimeter, also we have back up. Brady and Nathan are already in the building finding Jared" I looked at him. "We need to get Savannah before Jared" I snapped. "If we kill Jared we can take over his area and his gang will be brainless without his orders" I shook my head. "Savannah could be dead. I need to safe her" I snapped again. "Sorry Jacob, but your ex-girlfriend isn't our top priority, killing Jared is" I huffed out and nodded. Hopefully she isn't dead. We headed to the bolted door. "Ready to bang the shit out of this door?" I smirked and nodded. Be kicked and shot the bolt into two piece. Once we were in the hallway I saw Scar go into this room. Savannah must move in there. "I need to go get Savannah" I told Jason. He rolled his eyes. "Fine but hurry up we can have our leader dead" I chuckled as I dashed down the hall to the room. As I peeked in I saw him pointing a gun to Savannah's head and was about to pull the trigger. I took my gun and aim it right as his head. This isn't the first I killed someone. Without hesitation I pulled the trigger killing him. I looked at Savannah she had her eyes closed and her head was in her lap.

Savannah's P.O.V

I had my eyes closed. At least I get to meet my grandma. "Savannah" I winced. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!" I begged still having my eyes closed. I started to hear laughing. "Savannah its me Jacob" I opened one eye then the other. He the cut the ropes off and I leaped into his arms making us fall onto the floor. He looked at me and pecked my lips. "I would love to make out, but we need to finish the mission" I nodded and got off of him. "What now?" He looked around and went to the dead body picking up the gun in his hand. Tossing it to me I looked at him. "I can't shoot!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes. "Well learn how to" I glared at him as we exited the room. "Okay... Be my target?" I asked. He turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Babe you wouldn't want to ruin this face right?" He asked gesturing to his face. "Oh I would" I smirked I said walking pass him. He rolled his eyes and ran up to catch me. "Okay Jason went that way" he said pointing right. I nodded. "But when I was here, Jared goes into his second hand office when he has other business to attend to" I nodded again and followed Jacob, making sure that no one is around. We headed to this door. Jacob lightly out his ear against it. "They're having a meeting" he whispered. This he loaded his gun, I did the same. He then open the door aiming for Jared. However, they had the guns pointing at us.

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