Chapter 18- leaving the hospital

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Savannah P.O.V

I laid down on the hospital bed waiting to see if I can leave today, fingers cross that I can. I lost a lot of blood from the shot that they are not quite sure if I will make it or not without this stupid machine! I been playing on my phone and taking to my friends and sister when they came, that was I could do. Food was okay I guess, I ate better but whatever. But I did get a lot of naps, which I didn't mind. "Miss Bailey" I looked up and saw my doctor, Dr. Martin. "We need to take one more blood test before we discharge you" I smiled, I am leaving today. "Okay I am fine with that" two nurses came in one with a needle and the other one with that numbing stuff. The walked up to me and took my arm. The lady with the num stuff placed it on my arm. It was cold, just saying. They wrap that rubber thingy to make a vein pop out, then came the needle. It wasn't big but it was a thing that pokes you, I gulp and closed my eyes. Seconds later they had my blood and left. I sighed, no more needle, till next time. "Miss Bailey" I looked up,back at the door. My nurse, Tiffany walked in. "Do you need to call someone to pick you up?" I shakes my head. "I can call from my phone if you don't mind" She smiled and nodded before leaving. I grabbed my phone and went on the contacts. "Can't call my parents nor ben, Scarlet never answers me, Lizzy broke her phone, Katey left hers here, and Andrew probably napping, and Kindle back at college" sighed, I needed clothes and a ride. Then it hit, Jacob! Okay I know he will, or I hope. Wait, I don't have his number, okay Savannah remember the number that was on the home phone. Trying to remember I dialed his number. I pressed call and lifted the phone to my ear. Please be him and not a stranger. It took three rings till he answered.

"Hello?" He said tiredly, oops woke him up.

"Jacob it me Savannah"

"Oh hey nerd how did you get my number?" He asked

"I have my ways, anyways I need a favor"

"I don't do favors" now is not the time to mess with me.

"Well then start to, I need a ride and some clothes." I protested

"Feisty, I like it. Whatever be there in 10" he said before hanging the phone up. I placed my phone on the side table. "Miss Bailey did you find anyone who will pick you up?" Tiffany said co wing I the room with my breakfast. "Yes I did, thanks for asking" I said getting up. I placed my pillow up so my back won't hurt. "I have some juice and scrambled egg for you" she said placing it on the table. "Thank you" I said taking the fork and stabbing the eggs. I placed the fork in my mouth and a little moan escaped my lips. "Sorry but these are just do good" I said to Tiffany. "It is find dear now eat up you are bing discharge in 20 minutes" I quickly stuff the eggs down my throat and gulp all the juice. "Thanks again" she nodded and took my plate and lefted. Yum, that was good"Probably the best meal I had here yet!

"Hey nerd" Jacob said bathing in without even knocking. "Um knock much" I said rolling eyes. "A simple hello would have worked" he said sitting down on one of the chairs. "Haha you don't deserve one" I said sitting up again. "Yea sure, how you feel?" He asked propping his legs on a chair. "Oh Mr. Bad boy cares how I feel" I smirked. "Yea I do have a problem with that punk?!" He said playing along with my game. "Maybe I do" I replied back. "Well you better not or else" he said standing up. "Or what?" "Remember nerd I can make your life a living hell" he smirked. I smiled. He said that when we first met. "I am not scared of Mr. Bad boy!" I spatted out. *knock* we snapped our heads at the door. "Come in" I said laying back down and Jacob taking a seat. "Miss Bailey we are going to discharge you now" The doctor said. I smiled. "Okay" I said. The doctor and nurses quickly went to work. One nurse carefully took out the IV and replaced it with a bandage. And the doctor disconnected the machine. The other nurses unwrapped the cloth to revile the stitches. "Okay Miss Bailey take as long as you need before leaving" One nurse said before all of them lefted. "Here nerd" Jacob threw the clothes at me. "You could have just I don't know hand them to me!" I yelled. "Yea whatever and those are mine sense you door was locked and no windows were open" He shrugged. "Wait you were going to go through the window?!" Who in the world does something like that. "I do it all the times with my past babes" He smirked. I glared at him and slowly got up. My legs were num and the started to wobble. Closing my eyes and waiting to feel the impact of the floor but instead I felt strong arms round my waist. I open each eye slowly and looked up at Jacob. "How did you catch me that fast!" I said in awe. He scoffed, "a thank you could work and I am fast like lightning" he said pulling me up. "Sorry, thanks I guess I am not use to walking sense I been in bed for 4 days" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Hey it's okay if I get to hold you" he said flirtatious. Heat raised to my cheek as I blushed. "Liking this hotness" he said still holding on to me. "Too much" Why did I say that, now I sound desperate! "Too much huh?" He raised an eyebrow. "Shut up and let me go" I said smacking his arm. In shock he let me go. "Damn girl you have a good arm" he said rubbing his arm. "Cussing isn't nessary!" I yelled walking into the bathroom.

I striped down from the hospital gown they gave me, and took out Jacobs t-shirt and sweatpants. I quickly put them on and putted my hair up in a messy bun, so it doesn't get in the way.
The clothes smelled like Jacob, and I am not complaining, it makes me feel like I am in his arm. I took a deep breathe and open the door. Jacob had his head propped up with his hand as he sat down waiting for me. "Finally!" He exclaimed. "Girls take for ever just to put clothes on" I rolled my eyes. Typical boys, can never be patient, girls gotta look good, well I am not right now. "Ready to go now nerd" he said walking up to me. "Ready then I will ever be" I smiled up at him. He took my hand and intertwined them with his. "Then let's get the hell outs here" he said leading the way out of the hospital.
The ride back to my house was quiet we were still holding hands which I didn't mind, I just wish he would ask me out, but I don't know if he will. He is a player and a player stay a player. I sighed. "What's wrong?" Jacob said glancing at me. "Nothing" I said looking out the window. "Well something is up and you are going to tell me" he commanded. "Nothing Jacob, I am fine" I snapped. He let go of my hand a clenched the steering wheel, I sadden once he let go, that warmth went to coldness. "Savannah I know you are not okay, tell me please" he begged glancing at me once again. "The stitches burn" I lied, but looking out the window covered that I was lying. "Put that treatment the doctor gave to you when you get home" I nodded at his instructed. "Oh and Savannah you are bad a lying just saying" My eyes went big and blush spread across my cheeks from embarrassment. He started to laugh. "Awww that never get old" he said pulling up in my drive way. "I hate you sometimes!" I yelled smacking his arm. "Yea yea you love me" he said rolling his eyes. "I swear your ego is bigger than your brain" I said getting out of the car. "Awe Savannah you know you want this" he yelled back at me. I turned around and yelled. "Nah I seen better!" He frowned. "You hurt me" he said placing a hand on his heart. "Whatever bye Jacob" I said waving and entering my house. Typical Bad boys. Cocky, arrogant, and a totally douche bag!

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