Chapter 27- If he loves you then he will be back in the future

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Savannah P.O.V

3 days. I only dated Jacob for three days and I confessed that I loved him, but I can't be with him, my parents won't let me. Life sucks for me right now. I signed as I went to my locker. My friends are still upset and Jacob is still nowhere to be seen. I had to return my schools books and my school library card, which sucks because we have a huge library. I open my locker and grabbed my backpack. I also emptied my locker. After I closed it and headed out of the school. Before I left I turned and looked at the school. I smiled, so many good and bad memories.

"Watch where you are going, nerd!"

I remembered that moment, when he nudged past me, and we yelled at each other. That's how we first met. I smiled. "Savannah!" I sighed and turned around. My sister was honking the horn to death. I rolled my eyes and ran to her car. "I am coming!" I yelled entering her car. "So how did it go" She said as I buckled up. "Um" I felt a tear streaming down my face. I just felt like crying right now. "Hey it's okay, what happen" she said rubbing my shoulder. "He was upset and mad, and he stormed off, a-and" I stuttered. "What happen" she said again. "H-he s-said t-t-that h-he l-l-l-l-loved m-m-me" I stuttered out and bursted out with tears. "Savannah, omg, I am so sorry" I sobbed louder and hid my face in my hands. "A-and I-I d-didn't say anything back" I sobbed. Kindle stopped the car and pulled me into a hug. "Shhhh" she said patting my back. "I-I love him Kindle" I sobbed into her shoulder. "Hey" she said pulling back. "What" I said
wiping my tears. "If he is the one then wait, and he will come" I smiled an nodded. I guess she is right, I think. If he loves me he will come. But I have a feeling that he won't.

Jacob P.O.V

Pull up to my house and went in. "Hey Jakey" Ruby said running up and hugging my leg. I smiled and kneeled down at her level. "Hey Ruby" I said hugging her. "Where is that Princess?" She asked. My smile faded. I can't lie to her. "Um she went back her kingdom and I might not see her" I sighed. I don't want to lose Savannah, but I already did. Okay that's it. I am going to ask why she broke up with me, and tell her I truly love her. I smiled and nodded of my plan. "Oh I hope she will come" I smiled down at her. "Me too" She smiled and hugged me one more time before running off to her friends.  "What happen" I looked up and saw Sydney. "Uh" I said getting up and rubbing the back of my head. "Yes" I said walking past her. "Well what happen?" "I don't want to talk about it" I snapped. "JACOB TELL ME WHAT THE HECK HAPPEN OR ELSE!" She yelled. Sighing I turned around. "Savannah broke up with me" I looked down at the floor, cause I knew I was about to burst into tears. "Hey" Sydney came up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Did she tell you why" I shake my head sighing. "Well tomorrow you will go find her and find the reason. I know she was crazy about you" I looked up and smiled. "That was what I was planning to do" "then do it you love her right?" I smiled and nodded. "I do"

Savannah P.O.V

After that little chat we walked into the house. "Hey my girls" my mom smiled hugging both of us. I am still upset with my father but I guess he didn't want me to get hurt and that's understanding, but he didn't have to cause a scene! "Hey mom" Sydney and I said. "Oh Savannah can I speak with you?" I nodded and looked at Kindle she just shrugged and ran up stairs. "Come in the living room me and your father needs to speak with you" I nodded again and followed her into the living room. I sat on the recliner and looked at my parents. "The school you will attend is Lincoln High school" my father said. I sighed and nodded. "Savannah I am sorry for the way I acted, I just don't want you to get hurt" my dad said. I looked at him and smiled. "I know you were just trying to protect me." I stood up. "I need to do my homework." They nodded as I left the living room. I ran up stairs and into my room. My phone beeped, and guess what? Another unknown message

Unknown~ Awe no more Javvy :(

Who the heck is this. I have a feeling it is Jared but I blocked him. I threw my phone on my bed and went to my desk. I sat down and open my backpack, and grabbed my homework. Math, English, and history. Ugh! So much. I sighed and did my math problems, then I finished my stupid essay for English, and I had to name the presidents in order! Thanks Google, for having all the presidents names in order. After that I went on my Instagram. Yes! I finally reached 1 million followers! Yes! I did a little happy dance. *knock* thanks for ruining my happy dance who ever you are. "Come in" I yelled sitting on my bed. Ben open the door. "Hey" I waved and looked down at the floor. Not in the mood to see my over protective brother, Ben. "Look Sav, I am very sorry about yesterday I just" I got up and hugged him, he was surprised at first but hugged back. "I know that you didn't want me in tears like last time" I whispered into my brothers ear. We pulled back. "I am still sorry, I told Britney and she smacked my shoulder" "yes I did" Britney said walking into my room. "Look Savannah if he loves you then he will be back in the future I promise" I smiled. "That's what Kindle said" "what great minds think alike!" Kindle exclaimed also coming into my room. I chuckled and nodded. "Anyways Savannah me, Cason, Britney, and Ben is going to the movies want to come?" I smiled. "Sure I would have a date but" I looked at Ben. "Hey I said I was sorry!" I smiled and chuckled. "Sure let me get my phone." I grabbed my phone and we headed out. But I did wish I was with Jacob.

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