Not Enough

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Songs that praise God don't feel like they're enough to capture His goodness. To capture His Divine Self.

He is more than perfect. More than wonderful. Nothing we say, could possibly do Him justice. He is more loving than we could ever say. He is more good than we could ever explain. He is more than words can describe.

Maybe it's good we don't have words great enough to describe God, so we don't misuse them. It's best we don't call idols by words and descriptions only God should be called. He is everything extraordinary.

Everything said and done to praise God is not enough. But it's all He wants from us. He wants our new songs, our prayers and rejoicing. No matter what. He wants and deserves to be praised and glorified.

He wants this every day of our lives, because He is with us every day of our lives. He grants us courage, peace and strength. How could I have gone without praising Him? I've went months, even years without doing so.

As a born again Christian, I admit I've failed in the area of praise. But this new year of 2024, I feel hope. That exponential growth in my faith will be made. I know it. And I'm honored this is my first poem of the year. A praiseworthy poem to God.

This poem is not enough, but it's a start.

God, my Lord, You are deserving of all praise. I'm sorry I've been so lacking in giving You what's rightfully Yours. I'm sorry I fail to do what the angels do. What other Christians do. What the most righteous children of God did, in the Bible.

But I'm changing my attitude and my focus. Everything will be pointing to You, my Lord. Please forgive me, and help me to glorify You the way You deserve. In everything I do. Not just in quiet time. Help me praise You by representing Jesus. Help me praise You, by helping others. Help me praise You by surrendering fully to You and taking up my cross daily.

I'm not enough. But You make me worthy enough to stand before You. You saw me as worthy enough to die for. You saw me worthy enough to make, to have a chance at life, in hopes I'd follow you. I'm myself, not worthy. You make me worthy

I choose You, Lord. I praise You. I thank You.

You're everything.

You're enough

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