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Evangeline Clark didn't believe in luck, she didn't believe that one was simply born with more good or bad possibilities than anyone else but as she stood hands against the cold metal bars she couldn't help but believe she was truly unlucky. It was rare that someone had to fight for their life once, but twice Evangeline felt cursed.

"Are you hurt?" She asks softly to the man who was just waking up. The handsome brunette boy lay unconscious in the cell next to her, his eyes furrowed as he met the woman's eye. His right cheek was a deep shaded purple mixed with dried blood. He looked like shit but she couldn't imagine she looked any better with her mascara smudges and the purple bruise on her neck that continued to deepen.

"You're Evangeline," he mutters in realization.

The raven haired woman raises a brow. "You heard of me," she tilts her head.

"Yeah, I'm here to save you," he chimes.

"My romeo," she says sarcastically, trying to keep the mood light.

The brunette chuckles lightly "Yeah it's a work in progress." he rubs the back of his neck.

"What a great job you're doing," the man in the farther cell chimes in. A man the raven haired woman met when she was first thrown in here yesterday. She had learned his name to be Alvin.

"Your Alvin Jenkins," the new guy whispers. He turns back to Evangeline. "They've been looking for you both."

"Yeah well their doing a hell of a job," Alvin mutters.

"You found us," Evangeline shrugs, leaning on the metal bars. "That means someone else will too," the raven haired woman rubs her arms, trying to warm herself up. Her skin shivered in the chilly air, and she deeply regretted not bringing a coat to check her mail as the red tank top did little to warm her.

"Yeah, my brother will come for me," the man says without a doubt in his tone. It made Evangeline think of her sister. How she didn't hesitate to try and save her, how Emi didn't hesitate either, how her baby sister still died.

Evangeline shook the memory from her mind. "What's your name?" she inquires.

"Sam," the brunette mutters. "What took us?" he questions.

The woman shrugs, "A couple of rednecks."

"What did it look like?".

it? Evangeline gave him a blank stare. "A couple of rednecks I don't really know didn't get too good of a look. Why?"

Sam simply started kicking the metal bars, and Evangeline had to respect the desire to survive. It was a feeling she was familiar with. What stumped the woman was what these people wanted. They fed them, seemingly they wanted to keep them alive. It seemed they were just locked in some old barn. Sadist perhaps?

Evangeline was almost positive it wasn't the thing that took her years back as she remembered getting kidnapped this time, not to mention the woman was free last time, hunted like prey though this didn't seem much better.

Evangeline settled in the corner of her cold cell laying down as she shut her eyes, the woman was so tired, so tired of fighting, or surviving, so she simply closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.

୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀──

Evangeline woke in the same cold cell. She rubbed her groggy eyes, trying her best to ignore the pounding sensation in her skull and the cold that seemed to seep into her bones and make a home in her heart.

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