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3 months later

Evangeline ran as fast as she could, her heart beating fast in her chest. Why does this stuff always happen to me? She internally groans.

"Come on, we promise to play nice," one of the drunk men calls out sharp on her heel. Evangeline cursed her stupid self for being out so late in an unfamiliar town. Especially when so many drunk men resided. Her mind wandered to the dagger strapped in her waist. She debated using it on the men, but there were so many, and she didn't feel like being charged with murder tonight. Even if these men probably deserved it, Eva didn't want that stirring guilt in her stomach.

The woman felt as if she were in an internal loop, always running, always tear stained, and so very cold. She felt hopeless until she saw it. She would have to be quick, but there was a sewer that was unscrewed. She took a quick glance around her surroundings once more, no lights could be found, all the shops were closed, and no one was in sight.

Evangeline speed for the sewer quickly opening it before jumping down.

"Don't be like that," one called as she finally hit the nasty sewer ground. Evangeline instantly put her hand to plug her nose as a scorching smell erupted. The sewer was slim with a path and traveling water next to it. The water was green littered with plastic and knacks, and the smell of the place reflected the look perfectly.

"Come on up, we don't bite," another man called in a drunken slur. She simply rolled her eyes in disgust. She would rather wander a nasty sewer than stand to look at those men again. A sharp pain pierced her shoulder, and she bit her lip hard. Bringing her hand to the shoulder. Despite three months in recovering, her shoulder still felt stiff with echoes of occasional pain. She silently cursed that stupid hunter.

Evangeline fixed her posture silently and debated if she should wait for the men to leave but it didn't seem likely as they continued to call down to her in drunken slurs, their voices echoing through the silent atmosphere. She eventually started walking, still shivering from the cold, silently scolding herself for not bringing a jacket. She took each step carefully as the dark sewer didn't give her much light. The ominus place creeped her out from the icky smell to the walls wrapped in darkness.

Her feet patterned on the stone, and she silently prayed for no icky substance to stick to her shoes. When she got to her hotel, she swore she would take the most thorough shower of her life.

A loud bang echoed through the narrow space. Evangeline jumped before grabbing her dagger from her waistband, squeezing her hand to the hilt, her heart skipping a beat. She slowly continued to walk, scanning her surroundings desperately trying to find another latch to leave out of. Despite her attempts, all she seemed to do was walk further and further into the maze of stone.

Echoes of water dripping occasionally stirred, causing her to jump, and she finally turned a corner to see a light illuminating down the path. A flashlight. She saw a shadow of a man holding a gun close to him, the darkness masking his face. Eva quickly hid behind a corner, her heart beating fast as she gripped her knife tighter.

The pattering footsteps grew louder and louder. She waited and waited. They got louder. A pace closer. She knocked into his body hard, hearing the gun clink to the ground with a loud bang, but the man reacted fast, hooking his leg under hers, making her stumble to the ground. His moves were precise and quick. Eva makes sure to bring him down with her; she twists her body, forcing him underneath her. The body immediately squirmed underneath her. she locked her legs around his, pinning him down as her dagger went to his throat. He stilled at the cold feeling of the metal meeting his skin.

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