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“Alright I've been cruising some websites” Dean starts. The older hunter sat on the table across from Evangeline. He scrolled on his computer with furrowed brows, trying his hardest to find any new job, while Evangeline sharpened her dagger much to Dean's dismay, who was convinced she was going to take someone's eye out.

The raven haired woman pointed out that she could if she wanted to , and Dean simply raised a brow, looking away, claiming he ‘didn't wanna know’.

“I think I found some new candidates for our next gig,” the older hunter claimed.

“A fishing trailer found off the coast of cali, his crew vanished”.

Evangeline's eyes flickered to Sam, who didn't seem to pay the two a single moment as he vigorously scribbled on his notepad, his jaw clenched. There was a certain anger about Sam she had noticed. Not really directed at anyone more so simply angry at the world. Sometimes, she would notice his fists clenched or his jaw ticking and his eyes sad. She often wondered what got the boy that way.

“We got some cattle mutilation in west Texas” His eyes roamed to his brother. “Hey” he shouts.

Sam finally looks up.

“Am I boring you with this hunting evil stuff”.

“You're kinda boring me” she mutters lightly.

He ignores her, keeping his eyes trained on his brother.

“I'm listening”. Sam didn't sound very believable, at least in Evangeline's ears. “Go on,” he urged, his voice low, dripping with tiredness.

Dean paused before continuing “and here a Sacramento man shot himself in the head, three times”.

Dean waited, but his brother just continued to scribble. He met Eva's eyes, and the girl just shrugged.

“Sam” he called, waving his arm around “any of these things blowing up your skirt, pal”.

Silence fills the dreary room before Sam perks up, flipping a page in his notepad with a small swish.

“I've seen this before”.

He stands abruptly, to which Dean pursues his lips “seen what”.

Sam moves to the dresser drawer, searching through the junk before he pulls a leather journal out.

He tosses the journal on the bed, flipping through the pages with urgency.

“What are you doing?” Dean questions.

Sam's hand grabs a photograph, holding it up with his notepad “I know where we're going next”.

Dean brows furrow “where”. Evangeline watches the young hunter with interest.

“Back home, back to Kansas”.

Dean scoffs “okay, random, where'd that come from” he questioned.

“Alright um” he takes a step forward photo in hand “this photo was taken in front of our old house right, the house where mom died” he set it on the table, Dean picked it up and Evangeline saw a small glance of a family. A father smiling brightly in an old looking hat while a pretty blonde woman held a baby as a little boy stood next to them with a toothy smile and eyes similar to Dean's.

“Yeah” Dean's voice was low and confused.

“It didn't burn down completely. They rebuilt it right,”?

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