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-'CHAPTER 21´-


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─── ୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 THE SKY WAS SHADED GRAY AND THE AIR GLOOMY AS THE TRIO FINALLY ARRIVED TO THE FAMILIAR SIGHT OF THE WHITE TENT. Sam was the first to exit the Impala Dean, and Evangeline followed after the younger boy. “If Roy is using a spell, there might be a spell book” he pointed out.

“See if you guys can find it” Dean ordered “hurry up too, service starts in 15 minutes, I'll try and stall Roy”.

“Got it,” Evangeline nodded, sharing a quick glance with Sam.

“Roy Le Grange is a fraud, he's no healer” The same man who had stood protesting the other day stood tall, handing out a flier.

“Amen, brother” Dean gave him a pat on the back.

“Keep up the good work” Sam advised.

“Thank you” he mumbled.

─── ୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 “YOU'D FIT BETTER” SAM SHRUGGED AWKWARDLY RUBBING THE BACK OF HIS NECK.  The two stood in front of Roy's house, the door had been locked tight, and the only thing that was open was a small window that Evangeline could seemingly barely fit into.

“Always sending me into danger” she muttered teasingly.

He let out an amused huff as she attempted to fit through the small window. Her feet went first, and she quickly wiggled through before unlocking the door for Sam. The two were quick to look around the ominous feeling house.

Sam led the two stepping into the man's office. The wallpaper was old; it felt like visiting a grandparents' house. His desk was neat, and his bookshelf was proper. Evangeline looked through his drawers while Sam inspected the book shelf.

“Check this out” the brunette murmured.

The huntress found her way to his side quickly as he opened a small book. The page was bookmarked to an ink drawing of a reaper.

The two shared a dreadful look before Sam flipped through the pages. Old newspaper clippings were found of prior victims, but Sam paused on one. “Local Church is a Cult” the paper read. A picture of the man who the two had seen outside the tent protesting was printed in the corner.

“Shit” Evangeline let out a sigh.

“We have to hurry,” the hunter concludes.

The hunters were quick to leave the house, Sam dialing his brother. “Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral, and we think we know who is next on his list, remember that protester”.

Dean muttered something on the other line.

“Yeah, we're gonna find him, but you can't let Roy heal anyone, alright”? Sam stuffed his phone in his pocket before glancing at the huntress “we'll split up”.

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