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Evangeline was fighting off sleep. Her eyes felt droopy, and her head had a small ache as it seemed she had been reading for hours.

Dean wasn't doing that well either as he slouched in his chair, his eyes looking bored. Sam had seemed to be doing the best. He sat a while away in front of a computer with his eyes wide open and a small smile on his face.

Evangeline's hand roamed to her bag, pulling out her sister's cassette. She fiddled with it in her hand, reading the small words written over and over. Emilia's playlist. It had been a gift to her, Emilia always admired her music taste, stealing her tapes and playing them over and over until their silent house felt like home. Part of it was because her sister admired her so much, always finding little ways to be interested in the same things Evangeline was, hoping to be like her.

Her thoughts roamed to her sister's eyes and how she always looked at her like she put the star in the sky. It was the same look she had when Eva had gifted Emi her own tape.

The thought saddened her, building up the small ache in her chest that made it feel as if she couldn't breathe.

“You always carry that thing with you” Dean inquired softly, his eyes gentle as they roamed her tape.

She shrugs casually “Sentimental value, I guess” she mutters. Her tone must have a hint of sadness because he didn't push the matter further.

He simply nodded, studying her face in a way that made her slightly uncomfortable. She hated how he seemed to notice her sad expression. Hated when people studied her, when they took a single peer into her emotions. It made her feel so weak.

“Hey I think I found something” Sam muttered, perking up. The two turn their head to the hunter as he approaches. “1862 a preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder” he sets down a book on the table as Eva peers inside “he was so angry over the red-light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes'', he moved his finger to the next page “right here some of the deceased were found in their beds, sheets soaked with blood, other suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh”.

Evangeline scrunches her nose at the thought.

“Get this the murder weapon” Dean points to a small ink drawing of the man with a hook for a hand “looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident, had it replaced by a silver hook”.

Sam meets his brother's eyes “look where all this happened”.

“Nine mile road” Eva mutters.

“Same place where the frat boy was killed” Sam nodded.

A proud smile pries on Dean lips “nice job, Dr. Venkman”, he nods “Let's check it out”.

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“Do you always carry this stuff in your car?” Evangeline murmurs her eyes roaming the multiple crosses, daggers and weapons piled in the trunk of Dean's car.

“You're judging me” he raises a brow, turning to her “I'm eighty percent sure you have at least three daggers in your possession right now”.

She shrugs, not denying it. She tries to keep her eyes on the car or one of the brothers, anything to block out the sight of the dark forest around them. Her heart paced at the small sight of deja vu.

Dean handed her a small pistol before handing Sam a large buck gun.

“If it's a spirit, a buckshot won't do much good” Sam muttered.

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