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-'CHAPTER 13´-

The trio climbed over the gate rather less gracefully. Evangeline rubbed her hand, trying to soothe the small ache from gripping the metal.

The raven haired huntress already felt uneasy sneaking into the old asylum, but she was rather grateful the sky was shaded a dull gray opposed to pitch black. Evangeline's eyes flickered to the small sign that read Roosevelt Asylum, then no trespassing.

“You coming” Dean voices.

She hadn't even noticed the two had already climbed the stairs or that Sam was already stepping into the building.

“Yeah” she quickly followed, walking in by Dean's side.

The place was dirty with bottles littering the place alongside graffiti lathering the walls, and the stench was far less than pleasant.

“So apparently the cops chased the kid in here…” Sam mutters.

“Into the south wing” Eva nodded, reminiscing the cops story.

“South wing huh” Dean's eyes went to the small red paint that labeled South wing. “Wait a second” the hunter quickly pulled out the leather journal, flipping through the pages.

Sam and Evangeline stood patiently curious as to what Dean found.

The hunter stopped at a page “1972– three kids broke into the south wing,” he read “only one survived, the way he tells it one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place”

“So whatever's going on, the south wing seems like the heart of it” Sam muttered.

Evangeline nodded in agreement, letting a small shiver of dismay roll through her.

“Yeah but if kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths” Dean pointed out.

Evangeline's mind wandered until her eyes fell to the door and the broken looking chain that seemed to fall.

She took a small step forward “It looks like the doors are usually chained” she noted.

Sam and Dean's eyes followed hers, and Sam followed behind her in interest. “Could have been chained for years” he comments.

“Yeah” Dean agreed “to keep people out” he paused “or keep something in” the older boy followed after the two, pushing the door open with a small squeak.

“Of course that fact makes you wanna go right in” she muttered.

Dean smirks, opening the door further “Ladies first sweetheart”.

“I hope you know if I die in here, I'm coming back to haunt your ass Winchester” she sneers.

“Oh I wouldn't expect anything less of you” he gives her a boyish smile.

She rolls her eyes before taking the first few steps in. The hunters follow in next to her.

It only took a few more seconds for Dean to break the looming silence that made Eva so uneasy.

“Make sure to watch out for dead people, Haley Joel” he chimes to Sam.

Evangeline stifles a laugh.

“Dude enough” he sneers to his brother “and you stop laughing” his eyes went to the girl.

She raises her hands in surrender.

“I'm serious. You've got to be careful. Ghosts are attracted to the whole e.s.p thing you got going on” his brother remarks.

“I told you it's not e.s.p I just have some strange vibes, sometimes weird dreams”.

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