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-'CHAPTER 16´- 

Evangeline sipped on her coffee with a yawn as she combed through her damp hair. Her sleep schedule was ruined that much for sure as she peaked out the window only to be met with a dark haze.

She had woken up to horrid memories of blood and her sisters' scared eyes. Of the owls beady eyes that peered at her from above and the crows that croaked staring down at her as she ran for her life. The soft sound of generators pumping in the dark of night and the soft footsteps of the man in the mask, ax hanging in his hands. The sound of her best friend screaming and her boyfriend's traitorous eyes. It was all too much, so she showered, attempting to clear her mind.

After she pushed the dull brown curtains back to be met with the sight of a dark haze outside.

She had laid back down, closing her eyes, but sleep never came, so she sat reading a newspaper sipping on coffee, starting her day at three in the morning.

There was a small pinch in her head, but she felt better than she did a couple of hours ago. She had remembered falling asleep in the car and then a vague memory of being carried. The hotel was cozy, and she had no doubt the Winchesters were next door.

She was ultimately proven right as the soft sound of knocking erupted on her door.

She grabbed one of her daggers, clutching it tight as she looked through the peephole.

She quickly unlocked it upon seeing Dean and Sam standing on the other side.

It swung open with a swish swoosh.

Dean’s eyes widened lightly, looking her over.

She raised a brow “what”.

He shrugged “didn't expect you to be up” he brushed past her.

“Yeah it's three in the morning” she muttered “why are you guys up”.

Sam stepped in after his brother “were leaving” he confessed.


“Dad called,” Dean spoke eagerly.

She perked up but slowly stopped upon seeing Sam's solemn face.

“Isn't that good?” she asked confusedly.

“It is,” Dean nodded, grabbing her mug of coffee, taking a sip.

She shot him a glare , and he simply smiled back at her.

“He wants us to stop looking for him” Sam muttered bitterly “he sent us on a job” he outraged.

“A job we are going to” Dean confirmed his tone sharp.

Sam looked as if he wanted to argue but ultimately backed off. Perhaps it was for the best. Evangeline had grown quite fond of the brothers, but they sure could argue to an annoying degree.

“Well I'm ready whenever,” she shrugged.

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The air was tense, and Evangeline’s eyes were grazing over the darkness that wrapped around the trees as they drove. She used to love the darkness as a kid, loved the solitude. She had raised her sister since she was a kid, so she didn't have much alone time unless it was in the dark of the night when her sister was fast asleep. Now she couldn't even walk in the darkness without a churning in her gut and a voice in her head howling that she wasn't safe.

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