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DISCLAIMER ⤑This chapter includes detailed descriptions of deaths, so if it's something you're uncomfortable with, I'd recommend not reading.

Also, if you enjoy listening to music while reading, I would recommend ⤑ Survivor; 2WEI, I Will Survive; Gloria Gaydor, I'm Still Standing; Elton John

Also, if you enjoy listening to music while reading, I would recommend ⤑ Survivor; 2WEI, I Will Survive; Gloria Gaydor, I'm Still Standing; Elton John

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Fear etched the woman's heart, making her feel as if she were paralyzed, yet she kept running. She let her heart pound against her ribs. It seemed her normal brain had shut off her only thought was the small voice in her head that repeatedly told her to survive. Run Evangeline. Run and don't look back. It called.

Evangeline listened, ignoring the throbbing of her head and the nauseous feeling that resided in her stomach eating away at her chest. Just to her luck, sprinkles of rain fell down, only fueling the tired woman's cold. She shivered yet didn't falter a step.

The sound of heavy footsteps and laughter erupted from behind her. The raven haired woman went still before climbing up a tall tree, ignoring the ache in her hands at the rough wood. She sat at the top on a sturdy tree branch, trying to quiet her erratic heartbeat.

She watched them go by. "Let's split up," one called. “There are people who crumble and people who prosper when coming face to face with fear” her father had once lectured. She would prosper, she had to prosper. Large green trees swayed with the cold wind as the darkness wrapped around them, making everything look far too scary.

She watched as the hunters split up. She spotted a younger looking man with a crossbow and knives secured on his belt. He held a rake presumably to kill her with it. She watched as he reared left. She counted his footsteps, focusing on the soft tap of his boots hitting the wet dirt.

When the coast was clear, Evangeline quietly hopped down from her tree, tailing the man. She kept her steps light moving in the shadows of the trees, the loud splatters of rain pattering masking her steps. His eyes scanned the forest, his face scrunched in a scowl. She crouched in a bush before slowly approaching the man's backside. She had learned how to walk with the wind a long time ago. A skill her father made sure she was fluent in.

In a split second She reached for the man's knife on his belt. He whipped around, and Evangeline drove the knife in his throat. Blood churned out of his throat as Eva barely met his eye. They were brown pooling with shock and perhaps a glint of fear. The man tried to speak, tried to take a step, but he simply fell to the ground, the Crimson red liquid making a pool around his body.

Evangeline bent down, grabbing the bow and arrows strapped to his back alongside another knife. She scrunched her nose at the smell of the blood desperately, trying to ignore the fact that she had just killed a man. Cry later, a voice churned. She grabbed the quiver from his body, looping it around her back as she tucked the arrows and his bow, securing it tightly before pressing the daggers hilt to her hand. A loud voice pierces the air, animal calls. Evangeline looked up in a frenzy before running as fast as she could.

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