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Rock music played from the speakers for what felt like the hundredth hour. Dean certainly had a taste for music as Metallica and AC/DC played on repeat the whole car ride. The three were checking out some murder in a nearby town, a job Sam had found.

Even while only being with the boys for a short time, she had begun to understand the two of them. Dean was the typical older brother who liked to tease Sam. He also loved women, rock music, and drinking. Sam fell into the younger sweeter boy stigma as he always spoke politely and seemed to be more organized than Dean. Eva found the boys to be fun to be around. They were certainly characters, and it was far better than the loneliness she was used to. For most of the car ride, Eva listened to her music in the back with her headphones, half listening to the boys bickering and adding in every once in a while.

Eventually, the car stopped. The three got out of the car as Dean parked across the street from some dirty looking house. A skinny boy with a buzzcut worked on a car in the front alongside two other boys.

“Remind me again why we're here” Sam whispers in Dean's ear as the two approach.

“The victim lived here” Dean murmured back.

“I just know it smells in there,” Eva whispered under her breath, letting out a small sigh.

“Nice wheels” Dean comments with a smile on his face, his voice loud with faux kindness. All heads turn toward the three; the boys look at Dean and Sam with disgust before their eyes fall on Eva, their gaze trailing her body.

“We're your new fraternity brothers,” Dean smiles.

“And her,” one of the boys spoke up. They looked at her with skeptical eyes, most of them smiling at her.

“My girlfriend, helping me pack” the hunter plays it casually.

The boy gave Dean a dirty look before his eyes flicker to hers, giving a smile “Come on in” his tone changed completely when addressing her.

The three walked fast, moving into the stuffy house.

“You were right about the smell” Sam muttered, scrunched his nose.

“Yeah, tell me about it”.

“Does that smell like p-” before Sam could finish his sentence the three approach the door seeing a brunette boy, his skin was painted purple the the thick smell of it making the three of their noses scrunch.

Sam and Eva share a look.

“Who are you guys?” He chimes monotone-like.

“Your new fraternity brothers and our guest,” Dean smiles. Eva was quickly learning the boy was certainly good at lying. She wondered what little lie she might have believed from him before he was truthful. Sewer cleaning my ass.

“Get my back, big game today” the frat boy says, holding out a can of paint to Dean.

“Oh my brothers more the artist” he laughs lightly “oh what, this boy could do with a brush”.

Sam glares at his brother as the man takes a seat on the couch. Evangeline giggles, taking a seat next to Dean while Sam grabs the paint bucket, trying not to make a face as he brushes the paint against the man's back.

“So” Dean grabbed a magazine casually as if he lived there for years “Murph is it true”.


Evangeline sends a sympathetic look to Sam, the boy just giving her a look that said “please switch”.

Eva shrugged. Sam sighs.

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