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Dean sat, a marker cap in his mouth as his face was buried in a book, Sam sat next to him, looking deep in thought as Evangeline read through the files rather boredly.

“Here's something, I think” Dean muttered, taking the cap out his mouth.

Both Sam and Evangeline’s attention went to him as he spoke. “Logbook. Iowa state penitentiary, Karns Jacob. personal effects, disposition thereof”.

“Does it mention the hook?” Sam asked rather impatiently.

“Upin execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the person or house of warship St. Barnabas church” he read.

“Isn't that where Lori's father preaches?” Evangeline asks.

“Yeah” Dean confirms.

“Where she lives,” Sam adds.

“Maybe that's why the hookman has been hunting reverends and reverents daughters for the past 200 years”.

“Yeah but if the hook were at the church or Lori's house, don't you think someone might have seen it” Sam brings up a good point. “I mean a blood-stained silver-handled hook”.

“Check the church records” Dean shrugs.

Sam leans over, grabbing the book from where he was sitting. His eyes scan the writing before he starts flipping the pages, perking up when he finally stops. “St. Barnabas donations 1862” he reads off “received a silver-handled hook from state penitentiary, reforged” he lets out a sigh shaking his head “they melted it down, made it into something else” a muscle in his jaw ticks.

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Crickets creaked into the dark night as the trees loomed over Lori’s house. The darkness seemed to wrap around the home in an ominous way that sent shivers down Evangeline’s arms.

“Anything silver goes into the fire, we can't take any changes” Dean clarifies to which the two hunters nod.

“Lori's still in the hospital, so we have to break in” Sam comments, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his jacket.

“All right, take your pick” the older hunter offers.

“I'll take the house,” Sam nods.

Dean nods “You're with me” , his eyes flickering to Evangeline.

“Great” she mutters.

“Oh don't hide your excitement sweetheart”.

Dean leads her to the church only a few yards away from Lori's house. They move to the basement before Dean starts a fire in the old-fashioned fireplace while Evangeline gathers any silver looking material around setting old nick nacks and antiques in a box.

It wasn't long before Sam arrived with a bag full of silver from the house. They watched as Dean threw in every small object, letting the flames eat away at the objects until a loud creak echoed from above. A swoosh of wind passes, causing an eerie silence.

The three pause in their movement, sharing a look before Dean rushes to the stairs “move move” he nods to the two.

Evangeline follows quickly behind Sam as the three depart from the basement.

Dean pulled his gun out, taking cautious steps toward.

Soft sobs ring through the air, and Sam takes a step forward, seeing Lori sitting on the rows of the church seats, her brown hair messy flopping over her face.

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