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-'CHAPTER 15´- 

Five minutes felt like ten as Evangeline tapped her fingers against her shotgun anxiously. She didn't like staying put. Didn't like staying behind, not knowing what was happening.

It was exactly what she was doing now as Dean told her to stay put. She had wanted to put up an argument but kept her mouth shut, which she deeply regretted now.

The silence loomed over the three in an eerie way until Evangeline had eventually broken it.

“I'm going to go check on them” She handed Kat the shotgun.

The blonde furrowed her brows nervously “didn't Dean say to stay put” she asked.

Evangeline shrugged “I don't really care. You guys stay here, shoot if something comes” she placed the shotgun in the girl's hand.

“I don't really think this is a good-” Kat's warning fell on deaf ears as Evangeline left in a rush.

*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ 💘 ✧.*

The board under her creaked, and every shadow seemed to engulf the room. It was much more scary when she was alone. Her eyes peeled through the room with no sight of Sam or Dean.

She took another step forward, a bad feeling stirring in her gut before she heard the sound of distant voices.

She kept quiet walking through the asylum in an anxious silence before she could finally make out the voices.

“That's the difference between me and you” Sam's voice didn't have its normal kind undertone. It was rash and rough. It sounded angry and unsure all in one. “I'm not pathetic like you,” he spit.

“So what are you going to do? '' Dean’s voice sounded closer every step she took. “Are you gonna kill me?” he sounded exasperated.

She took a small peak from the door, careful to be silent.

“I am sick of doing what you tell me to do” Sam stood over his brother, blood pulling from his nose, gun in hand his soft brown eyes were glazed over with a crazed look. “We're no closer to finding dad today than we were six months ago” he grasped.

“Let me make it easier for you” Dean pulled a gun from his sweater and handed it to his brother.

Always a reckless idiot she internally groans.

The woman took a soft step forward. Sam luckily had his back to her. She took soft, delicate steps holding her breath so as to not make a sound.

“Here, take it” Dean groaned seemingly in pain. “Real bullets work a hell of a lot better than rock salt”.

“Take it,” he demanded.

Evangeline bent down, grabbing an old stray piece of wood.

Sam snatched the gun from his brother.

Dean’s eyes met hers. They softened in relief.

Sam drops his shotgun, pointing the pistol his brother gave him right to his head.

“You really hate me that much” he gruffed , lingering sadness in his voice. “Pull the trigger”.

Sam's eyes were cold as he held the barrel to his brother's head.

Sam scowls, his finger itching toward the trigger. Evangeline raises the wood.

Dean's eyes narrowed as if he was daring his brother.

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