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───── °˖➶➳⊹ ˖ PEOPLE GATHERED TOGETHER, MOST IN CRUTCHES OR PALE AND SICKLY. Dean was unsatisfied, to say the least, scrunching his face in displeasure. "You two are lying bastards, I thought you said we were seeing a doctor" he grumbled as he leaned against the car.

"I believe I said we're seeing a specialist," Sam pointed out.

"I do remember that," Evangeline agreed.

His eyes flickered to her un-amusingly as she flashed the hunter smile.

"Look Dean, this guy is supposed to be the real deal" Sam expressed as the trio started walking.

Evangeline made sure to stay close to Dean in case the older man stumbled. She knew he'd most likely refuse her help but she couldn't help it, he moved slower, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he curled into the hoodie draped over him as if he were going to freeze to death. His face was another story, with his pale skin and cold looking eyes.

"I can believe you brought me to see some guy who heals people out of a tent" he grumbled.

"Reverend Le Grange is a great man" a woman walking by spoke.

"Yeah that's nice" he muttered.

Evangeline gave him a look, which he acknowledged with a pouty look, but he shut up, which was all that mattered to her.

"I have a right to protest here. This man is a fraud" a man stressed.

Evangeline's eyes flickered to the desperate man in a black coat, then to the officer holding him back. "he's billing all these people out of their hard-earned money".

"Sir this is a place of worship, legs go, move it" the officer grunts.

"I take it he's not a part of the flock" Dean must have noticed her eyes glued to the man.

"Well when people see things they can't explain, there's controversy".

"Got that right" she muttered low enough so that no one could hear.

"Yeah, but come on, Sam, a faith healer" he groaned.

"Maybe it's time to have a little faith, Dean," his brother preached.

"Doesn't hurt to try," the huntress pointed out.

He glanced at her, then his brother "You know what I have faith in, reality, knowing what's really going on, and no amount of 'trying' is going to change the facts".

"How can you be a skeptic, with the things we see everyday".

"Exactly, we see them, we know they're real".

Evangeline couldn't exactly fully disagree with him. She was highly skeptical of this faith healer, but unlike Dean, she was willing to try if there was even a slight chance Dean would be saved. If not, then screw this healer they would be onto the next.

"If you know evils out there, how can you not believe good is out there?" Sam continued.

"I've seen what evil does to good people".

Evangeline felt her heart squeeze. She wanted to stray away from that topic. It hurt to much to think about.

"Maybe God works in mysterious ways" a pretty blonde chimed in, her hair pinned back beside a short strand of hair that fell forward. Her voice was soft as she spoke with an umbrella in hand.

"Maybe he does" Dean's eyes glazed over hers, his lips prying in a smirk.

Evangeline wanted to roll her eyes at his bluntness.

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