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-'CHAPTER 18´-

As Evangeline's eyes fluttered open, she was all too aware of the sharp ache that resided in her head.

“You okay” a soft voice filled her ears.

She lifted her head, and the action caused slight dizziness. Dean sat next to her, and she realized her head had rested on his shoulder.

“Out of all the crazy shit we do, this is how we get knocked out,” she muttered.

His concerned eyes flickered with light amusement, and he let out a small laugh.

“How are you feeling?” he offered her his hand.

She took it, his touch felt warm against her cold skin “Better than ever” she remarked sarcastically.

He pressed his lips together. He looked as if he were going to speak, but before he could utter a word, the basement door swung open.

Dean was quick to take a step in front of Evangeline, lightly pushing her behind him.

Soft sobs sounded as the young girl from the gas station Emily came into view, and her uncle pushed her down the stairs into the basement.

“Please” her voice shook.

Both the hunters eyes cut into a glare as they stared at the older man.

“Why are you doing this?” the blonde cried.

“For the greater good” her aunt shut the wood door on the girl.

“Are you okay?” Evangeline took a step forward to the girl.

She wiped her eyes, nodding softly.

“Why did they put you down here?” Dean spoke up.

“I saw them throw you guys down here” she desperately tried to keep her voice still “I threatened to go to the cops in the next town over once they told me what they were doing, next thing I knew they were locking me down here”.

Anger boiled in Evangeline's veins. How could they do that to their own blood? The girl they practically raised. How could they do this to anyone?

Dean let out a huff of frustration before he started banging on the door hard, but the wood didn't budge.

“So what” she distressed “they're gonna kill us all”.

“Sacrifice us” Evangeline corrected “only two of us” she pointed out.

“Classy,” the hunter muttered.

The huntress quickly searched her boots before her hands made their way to her waist. They took all her daggers. She let out a small disappointed huff of air.

“I just can't believe this,” Emily muttered.

“You better start,” Dean spoke softly.

“We're gonna need your help,” Eva added.

She pushed her blonde hair out her face, looking at the two. “How”.

“We can kill the scarecrow, but we're gonna need to find a tree”.

“What tree?”.

“It would be really old” the huntress jumped in “the locals would treat it with a lot of respect “like it was sacred”.

It was quiet for a second as the blonde caught her breath “There was this one apple tree, the immigrants brought it over with them, they call it ‘the first tree”.

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