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-'CHAPTER 12´-

Evangeline sat, sipping a small cup of coffee as she twirled her dagger in her hand. This dagger was special with the small engraving of J.C. on the hilt. A dagger her father used to cherish.

“No, dad was in California last we talked to him” Sam sat on the bed phone in hand as Dean sat across from her head stuffed in his dad's leather journal.

“You're going to cut your hand” Dean mutters, not looking up from the journal.

“No I won't” she mumbles back.

He raises a brow, finally meeting her eye.

“Just go back to your book” she gruffs.

Dean complies, seemingly peering back at his book as she continues twisting her knife between her fingers in a mesmerizing manner.

“We just thought if he comes to you for munitions, maybe you've seen him in the last few weeks, just call us if you hear anything” Sam explains phone to his phone. “Okay, thanks” he finished the small beep of him hanging up, wisped through the silent air.

“Caleb hasn't heard from him” Dean asks, not sounding too surprised.

“Nope '' Sam sighs “neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim”. It's silent for a moment “what about the journal, any leads in there” he asks.

“No. Same last time I looked, nothing I can make out” Dean lets out a small laugh “I love the guy, but I swear he writes like he's freaking yoda”. 

“Maybe we should call the feds” Sam sounded frustrated “file a missing person's case” he suggests.

“We talked about this, dad would be pissed if we put the feds on his tail” the oldest Winchester remarked.

Evangeline honestly didn't know what to think. She hadn't ever met the guy. At least she didn't think she did, so she really couldn't tell if his usual behavior was to just leave. Sam said it was, but Dean claimed never for this long, so perhaps he was in danger. Or just ignoring his kids, which Evangeline couldn't understand why. Not that it was impossible. If her mother was alive, Evangeline was sure she wouldn't even know her middle name. They probably wouldn't even talk. It's not like she cared much when the girl was young. Well, she cared, just not for all her children.

“I don't care anymore,” Sam said sharply.

Evangeline didn't feel like hearing another argument. The brothers clearly love each other, but boy, do they bicker and fight a lot.

A soft phone ring chimed through the air as Sam continued.

“Back in Kansas, he should have been there, you said it yourself” the younger boy pointed out as Dean stood up, walking to his phone.

Evangeline traced her fingertips on the initials engraved on her dagger. J.C., which stood for Jason Clarke. She sure missed the man, even if he was gone a lot, or not the best father, he was still her father. He still tried to raise her and make her feel loved, unlike her mother.

“You tried to call him and nothing”!

“I know” Dean sounded agitated as his hands roamed his coat pockets for his phone. “Where the hell is my cell phone?” he mumbled absent-mindedly to himself.

“You know he could be dead for all we know” Sam points out.

“Don't say that” The hunter's voice rose angrily.

Evangeline could feel an argument coming on.

“He's what” Sam's voice raised following his brother's “he's hiding, he's busy”.

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