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Loud music blared alongside flashing lights, colors of blue and purple danced alongside the movement of the people swaying to the music. A mix of alcohol and sweat filled the air.

Dean wore a sloppy smile as he nodded to some blonde girl.

“Man you've been holding off on me. This whole college thing is awesome” he comments to Sam.

“This wasn't really my experience” the younger hunter mutters, shifting on his feet uncomfortably.

“Let me guess, library, studies, straight As”.

Sam nods “pretty much”.

“What a geek”.

A tall brunette boy walked past the three, looking Eva up and down with a wide smirk. She, in turn, deepened her glare.

“Are you done, or are you going to try to continue to kill people with your eyes?” Dean mumbles to her a small smile on his face.

She lightens her look only ever so slightly not meeting the hunters eye.

“We'll it's something” he mutters “you do your homework” he turns to Sam.

“Yeah” Sam averis his eyes to Dean “it was bugging me, how is the hookman tied with Lori” he questioned “So I think I came up with something” His hand goes to his pocket before he's pulling out a piece of paper. He hands it to Dean, who reads it out loud.

“1932 Clergyman arrested for murder” he flips it over “1967 seminarian held in hippe rampage”.

“There a pattern here” Sam's voice was dripping with determination “in both cases, the suspect was a man of religion, who openly preached against immorality” a smile pries on his lips “and then found himself wanted for killings he claimed were the work of an invisible force” he pauses “killings carried out, get this with a sharp instrument”.

“What's the connection to Lori?” Dean voices.

“A man of religion who openly preaches against immorality” Sam questions.

“Her dad” Eva's voice was barely above a whisper.

Sam nods “except this time, he isn't trying to save the whole town, just his daughter”.

“Reverend Sorenson” Dean mutters “do you think he's summing the spirit”.

“Maybe” the younger hunter shrugs “or you know how a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place”.

“The spirit latches onto the reverend's repressed emotions, feeds off them yeah” he nods.

Evangeline listened carefully, trying to process everything they were saying. It was odd. She believed in the supernatural. It was not hard when a shapeshifter tried to kill her, but it was still odd hearing just how many creatures were in the shadows.

“Without the reverend even knowing it” Sam finishes.

Dean pauses, and Evangeline could see him deep in thought “Either way, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight” he tells his brother.

“What about you two?”.

Dean sighs, eyeing a blonde girl defeatedly “were gonna go find an unmarked grave”.

Evangeline perked up “Yeah that sounds kinda-” before she could reject the idea Dean flashes her a smile.

“Oh come on, it'll be fun” he looked more like he was trying to convince himself “You gonna let me wander in the dark alone”.

DAYLIGHT; Dean Winchester Where stories live. Discover now