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The air was cool, and Evangeline was glad to finally be out of that stuffy sewer. The trio descended into an alley that still had the horrid stench.

"We can walk you home" Dean starts.

Eva raises a brow "I'm going to help you kill this thing." she felt baffled that Dean would even assume she would simply go home.

The man pauses in his steps, turning to look at the raven haired woman.''Look no offense, but we kinda work alone".

Evangeline took a step forward tilting her head "this thing kidnapped me, locked me in a sewer and tried to kill me so no offense but I'm not going to go home and wait to be killed i'm going to help you kill this thing".

Dean pauses, his jaw clenching, his eyes flicker to Sam, who shrugs. "Fine but you listen to us".

Eva nods in agreement.

"We need to get Rebecca" Sam reminds the two worried of his friend, Dean nods as
the trio starts their walk to her house. Evangeline follows the brothers before Dean ultimately pauses in his steps.

Sam and Eva pause in suit before following the older boy's eyes. On an electronic store, a TV flashed with photos of Dean with the word wanted under his face.

The hunter purses his lips, ducking his head before the three immediately walk back to the secluded alley.

"The news said attempted murder so at least we know I didn't kill her" Dean mutters, looking deep in thought.

"I'll check in with her tomorrow, see how she is" Sam runs his hand through his hair and Eva could tell he was nervous by the pull in his eye brows and the way he bit his lip.

"For now, we got to find that handsome devil and give him a proper beating" the older man mumbles.

"With what weapons, he took all of ours" Sam pauses. "The car" he mumbles.

"The news said he fled on foot. I bet the car is still at Rebecca's".

"We'll head there" Sam decides.

"The thought of him touching my car" Dean clenched his fist.

Evangeline glances at Sam.

"He's real big about his car" the younger boy mumbles to her.

"It's not just a car" Dean chimes in a tone that said he had explained that to Sam many times.

She simply smiles as the older hunter glares at his brother, who rolls his eyes.

🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀⊹₊。ꕤ°₊

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea" Eva mumbles as the cop cars corner the three. The loud sound of sirens echoed through the neighborhood, and she could feel her heart beating against her stomach.

"This way" Dean guides the two to a wooden fence, his voice sounding urgent.

"You two go, I'll distract them" Sam says in a plea.

"What no" Dean starts as the cops shout, their voice loud and demanding.

"Just go they can't arrest me i'll meet you guys at Rebecca's" while Eva wanted to argue it was the smartest idea plus by the look in Sam's eyes there was no stopping him.

"Cmon" Dean mumbles to Evangeline, the two hop the fence quickly leaving Sam behind.

🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀⊹₊。ꕤ°₊

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