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-'CHAPTER 14´-

Darkness wrapped around the building, hugging every nook and corner. It was an eerie darkness Evangeline had only seen once when she had been camping, and three of her friends had died, including her sister. It was the same darkness that made your pulse race, and your heart felt as if it were going to fall out.

A part of the girl wanted to turn back. To run and leave, but she swallowed her fear, stuffing it far, far down until she felt it no more. A task she was familiar with.

She instinctively shuffled a little closer to the brothers as Sam held out a flashlight, evaporating the darkness. Dean stood no more than a couple feet away with an emp in his hand.

“Getting any readings” Sam questioned.

Evangeline looked toward the older hunter.

“Yeah, big-time”.

“This place is orbing like crazy” Sam muttered, looking at the camera he held out.

“What exactly does that mean?” Evangeline chimed.

“This place is crawling with spirits,” he answered, much to her dismay.

“And if these unrecoverable bodies are causing the haunting” Sam started.

“We find them and burn them” the huntress murmurs, remembering what Dean had told her when they burned the hookmans bones.

Dean nods. “Just be careful. The only thing that scares me more than a spirit is a pissed off spirit of a psycho killer”.

“How reassuring” she quips.

He flashes her a small sarcastic smile.

The trio took no more than two more steps before Evangeline felt a small graze of wind on her neck. It seemed her fellow hunters felt it two as they both turned with her.

Sam's flashlight landed on nothing but darkness, and he shared a look with the woman before the three turned back around.

They tread Evangeline carefully following close by Sam's light until the trio eventually split up in a room. Eva's eyes fell to a chair and some straps. She squinted lightly in the darkness, inspecting an old desk before a small thump was heard.

“Evangeline, Dean” Sam rushed in alarm.

Dean fumbled with the bag, and Evangeline was by his side in a second.

“The salt gun” Sam panicked.

A pale looking woman stood staring at Sam, her face looked burned, and her hair ratty. A loud bang was heard, and she faded away as if she were never there.

It seemed every one of them let out a soft sigh of relief.

“Are you okay?” Evangeline asked Sam softly, helping him steady his feet.

“Yeah” he muttered softly, flashing her a soft, thankful smile. “That was weird” he looked at his brother.

“Yeah,” he huffed. “You're telling me” he turned to walk deeper into the asylum, only for Sam to quicken his steps to follow. “No I mean, it was weird she didn't attack me”.

“It looked pretty avgro from where I was standing,” he shrugged.

“She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try. If she didn't want to hurt me, what did she want” he pressed.

Evangeline bit the inside of her lip, her own mind running at the thought. It happened fast, yes, but when they had been against the hook man, that spirit never hesitated. So why did this one?

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