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Sorry for the late update, but it's here!! A very filled Evadean chapter. I hope you enjoy!! <3

-'CHAPTER 17´-

Evangeline was an impatient person. It was a trait she had discovered when she was pretty young.

“Why not?”she pleaded.

“You're still a kid,” her father lectured softly. “In a few years”.

“But I wanna learn to shoot now!”

“You're seven. Why do you need to learn to shoot?” he raised a brow.

she had walked back to the dinner table, grumbling in protest. He chuckled lightly.

She smiled at the thought of her father. He had caught her out at night with his bow shooting sloppily at trees. She had learned to shoot a bow with him that year. She was pulled from her thoughts as her eyes caught onto the sheriff pulling into the diner, looking less than happy.

Dean had gone in after Emily had pointed the couple with car troubles out to them.

He had insisted on going alone and now most likely caused some sort of trouble.

She quickly left the car twisting the door handle of the diner. A small bell dinged greeted her as she stepped in.

Dean sat, a table away from the couple who ate their food rather stiffly giving the hunter a weird eye.

“Hey Dean, we should probably go” She whispered upon approaching him.

“Yeah one second, it really would be no problem, I swear I'm good with cars” he looked at the couple.

She tugged at his sleeve, trying to convey the fact that they needed to leave.

“You should listen to your girlfriend” the waiter approached “get on out of here”.

“Just having a friendly conversation” he bites.

“Dean” she tries again.

“Okay” he mutters, standing just before a small bell ring erupts.

A tall man in a sheriff uniform walks in his eyes dull and cut to a glare as they meet Dean's.

“Oh come on” he groans an irritated smirk pried on his face.

୭  🧷 ✧ ˚.  ᵎᵎ  🎀

“You are not a people person, are you” Evangeline muttered from the passenger seat.

“People love me” he mutters from the driver's seat.

Evangeline turned, glancing out the window to the sheriff that followed close behind.

“Yea” she muttered “such a people's person”.

Her mind wandered to the sheriff's dull eyes as he demanded the two leave town.

“What are we going to do?” she asked.

“Well for now, grab a bite to eat, I don't know about you, but I'm starving”.

“What about the couple?” she asked softly.

“Nothing we can do for now” he shrugged “not until nightfall at least”.

“Why does everything have to be done at night? '' she muttered bitterly, letting out a sigh.

Dean smirked “Oh come on, it's so much more fun that way” he teased.

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