The secrets out

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A/N this is my first story I hope you like it! This takes place in Hermione's 2nd year.

Y/n's P.o.v. 

You are Hermione's little sister  no one knows about you and you are VERY nervous  to meet Hermione's friends Harry and Ron. You walk into the train compartment that Harry,Ron & Hermione are sitting in. Y/n"ummmm hi I'm Y/n Granger Hermione's little sister " 

Harry" Hermione's little sister huh"

Ron"You never told us you had a little sister" 

Hermione"Well Y/n I guess the secrets out now"   

The train ride was silent the rest of the way there Hermione" Okay Y/n go with Hagrid I'll see you later" Y/n"Okay" 

You go into the castle and after what seemed like FOREVER you got called.

Sorting Hat "Very tricky, a loyal person,very intelligent yes, very intelligent indeed, yet very brave, yet you can easily deceive people better be SLYTHERIN!" 

You walk over to the slytherin table and sit next to someone who looks very kind. 

Malfoy"Another filthy little mudblood you shouldn't even be aloud in this school" 

Y/n" yeah and neither should platinum blond boys who think that just because they have a dick means they get to be one well  news  flash  it doesn't." 

The boy you're sitting next to just looks astonished but has a smirk on his face laughing then a girl says "Nice to meet you y/n I'm Pansy and that's Daphne this is Blaise and that boy you're sitting next to is Mattheo and that "platinum blond boy" is Draco."

A/N I know this chapter is short but I have a good idea for the next chapter!

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now