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I woke up and changed into this

Put your hair up to look like this

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Put your hair up to look like this

You saw that Mattheo was still sleeping so you shook him awake Mattheo "go away let me sleep give me like 5more min no hours"Angelica"oh no get up I'm not going down there by myself I even made myself look nice so get up please!"Mattheo looks at y...

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You saw that Mattheo was still sleeping so you shook him awake
Mattheo "go away let me sleep give me like 5more min no hours"
Angelica"oh no get up I'm not going down there by myself I even made myself look nice so get up please!"
Mattheo looks at you then he checks you out Mattheo" why do you look so nice huh?"
He pulls her into the bed with him and you both start laughing

Bellatrix" kids it's time to ge- oh I see your already up and at least Angelica is dressed wait why are you in the same bed?"
Angelica"Mattheo pulled me down because I tried to wake him up "
Bellatrix "okay just be down in five"
Both"okie dookie hey stop copying me jinx double jinx triple jinx quadruple jinx blackout double blackout triple blackout quadruple blackout " You try to get out of bed but Mattheo just pulls you in again this time by the waist giving you MAJOR butterflies Angelica"Mattheo let me get out of bed"
Mattheo just pulls you into his chest cuddling with you and you relax at his warm touch and hearing his heart beat and his cold rings feel nice against your skin the way he smells is just mmmmm he smells of this slight peppermint that soothes you to sleep and he sort of gives you a stomach massage while putting his head on top of yours and soon everything fades to black

When you wake up you're alone in the bed you hear the shower running and get up and go down to breakfast you see Malfoy grinning
Angelica"oh no Malf-- Draco what did you do?" You were about to day Malfoy but thought it would be disrespectful in front of Narcissa so you just said Draco
Draco"wheres your boyfriend?"
Angelica"oh hes in the show-WAIT WE ARE NOT DATING!"
Everyone but you" oh yeah sure" they all say sarcastically
Angelica"WERE NOT!"
You start getting mad as if you might burn the house down accidentally
Just then you feel arms wrap around your waist making you blush deeply
Mattheo"good morning love "
Angelica"oh no I was up already and woke you up"
Mattheo" yea but then you fell asleep on me"
Angelica"I-I.......ummmm.....well......but....okay were the one that would not let me get up."
Mattheo"oh but you thought I smelt good am I correct?"
Angelica"Shut the hell up"
Bellatrix"oh but you're not denying it ate you?"
I try to splash her with water but instead knock her out of her chair with wind
Angelica"oh my god are you okay I'm so sorry I didn't mean to oh"
Voldemort"Angelica if you want to stay here then you must not apologize for anything "
Bellatrix"im fine I didn't know you had air yet"
Angelica"oh neither did I "
Bellatrix"anyway you lied to me? You said you didn't like Mattheo"
Angelica"because I don't "
I love him more than anything
Mattheo"no Angelica Astrid Riddle "
At that my head shot up
Angelica"what did you just call me?''
Voldemort"Mattheo let's not be making future plans already?"
Mattheo"yes father "
Bellatrix "what ummm y'all ain't married "
Angelica"Mattheo you see what you started "
Mattheo"hey your the one who said that you lo-"
Angelica"SHUT UP, I hate you"
Mattheo" mmmmm no you don't you said that you love me more than anything "
Angelica"oh shit fuck fire I will burn you again but this time I wont put water on your burn"
Bellatrix" you burned him where I don't see a burn"
Mattheo" I ain't stupid, I don't want to get burned again that hurt "
Angelica"well one thing in that sentence is a lie"
Draco" what?"
Angelica" the lie is that he is not stupid we all know that he is "
Mattheo stopped hugging you
Omg what did I do why'd he stop I liked it when he hugged me?
Dobby" hello dobby wants a sock please "

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now