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When I yelled that all the students looked at me like what is wrong with you?

Angelica"ummm so yeah nice to meet you ummm yea should we get going?"

Arthur walks through the wall into the train station and sees Molly looking at me super surprised.

Arthur"Well who is this I dont believe I've met you before but yet you look familiar?"

Angelica"I umm..... well my name is ummm...-" your cut off by Hermione saying "Y/n Granger my adopted little sister we changed her name when we adopted her her original name was Angelica Sheila but anyway we really should be going so let's get on it"

You guys get to the Burrow

Molly " ok Angelica just follow Hermione you all know what room you have so get going "

Angelica"I was actually wondering if you would like to have any help with anything"

Molly" ok umm you can help me with dinner but go wash up first okay?"

Angelica" ok thank you "

You go wash up and when you come back you here this

Arthur" you like all of the kids friends even their friends, friends "

Angelica"I doubt that" I say thinking out loud I'm friends with Mattheo Riddle how could they ever like him and I'm a death eater how do they like me?

Arthur"and why is that?"

Angelica"I am friends with Mattheo Riddle and I'm a death eater myself " After "and" I speak very quietly so that they can't even hear

Molly"what was that last part dearie?"

Angelica"I ummm well....... ummm I'm ummm......a ..........ummmmmm.....wellp.......I'm a ..........ummmmm you know what never mind I dont want to be kicked out of the house"

Molly and Arthur" you wont be kicked out "

Angelica"oh yes I will"

Molly and Arthur " just tell us"


Molly"whha get out of my house "

Angelica"ok "

You grab your trunk and apperate to Malfoy Manner you look around and spot Bellatrix

Angelica"oh Bella"

Bellatrix"yes ms.granger"

Angelica"oh you don't know ok well, anyway where is the Dark Lord?"

Bellatrix" in our sons room  by the way I heard that you two are quite close soo do you like him and be honest I won't be mad I'm just curious so do you?"

Angelica"ok first I want to tell you something else ........ I'm Angelica Sheila and maybe I do like him i don't know anymore"

Bellatrix" Mistress Sheila?"

Angelica"ok dont say that and yes?"

Voldemort" ah yes ms.granger what are you doing here?"

Bellatrix" her name is Ms. Sheila "

Voldemort" oh ok we'll talk later for now what are you doing here?"

Angelica"umm well can I stay here for the summer please "

Voldemort "of course you can, you can share a room with my son I'm sure you know each other already?"

Bellatrix "ohhh yeah they do"

As I playfully elbow her in the side I say "SHUSH"

Bellatrix" okay sure" she says grinning widely

Voldemort"just in there" he points to a room farthest to the left

Angelica"ok thanks "

When I walk into the room I am tackled by Mattheo in a hug

Angelica"oh my lor- hello Theo"

Mattheo"what are you doing here "

Angelica" I'm staying here for the whole summer and I share a room with you."

Mattheo" Oh my God I'm so happy you're here" he says still hugging me just then Malfoy walks in

Malfoy"hey y/n"

You flinch at that name not expecting it

Mattheo" why did you flinch?"

Angelica" that is not my name my name is actually Angelica Sheila "  
A huge flame burns Mattheo making him get off you

Angelica" that is not my name my name is actually Angelica Sheila "   A huge flame burns Mattheo making him get off you

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You hold up your hand to look like the photo above then you realize you burned Mattheo

Angelica"oh shit are you ok ?"

You use your water powers to put cold water on the burn but he had to take off his shirt

Omg why does he look so hot oh yeah probably because I burned him but he looks handsome too no no no I can't fall in love with him he probably doesn't feel the same way

You keep thinking while you're putting water on his burn until he finally says
"You know I can read minds right?"

Angelica"i umm I well umm .......... I see here -"

Mattheo " its alright love"

Love? Omg he called me love!

You felt the butterflies in your stomach multiply by the second while still putting water on his burn you felt yourself blush harder than ever before

Mattheo "okay love I think that's enough water, but thank you and I thought you could only control water?"

Angelica"I can control all the elements all 5"

Mattheo "ok then "

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now