But why?just why?

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A/n Tw: suicide if this triggers you skip this chapter

when you get to your dorm you change clothes into this 

put your hair up and just then someone pushes you against a wall

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put your hair up and just then someone pushes you against a wall


Y/n"get off me"

Mattheo "tell me your story Mi Amor "

Y/n"ok ever since I little Hermione always outshined me and I never had any friends when I was 7 years old my mama told me go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely when Hermione got her letter I was so happy I thought I would get to have a chance to get to know my parents but NO Hermione this Hermione that I have anxiety for a reason I was never loved by my parents and i always was taking care of myself until now then i met pansy. I feel like we will be good friends."

Mattheo just sat there on his bed astonished I just looked at him then went to his bed and started massaging his shoulders they were so tense I could tell he had been under a lot of stress lately I wondered why but didn't say anything then I said finally breaking this horrible silence Y/n" does that feel good "

Mattheo replied with "yeah right there"

Y/n " I hate life I mean if I killed myself no one would miss me I mean but why ? just why? Bad things always happen to the young children and then the adults are just like oh you're over reacting no no listen to me honestly I might just Avada Kedavera myself it would be a good way to die -I was cut off by Mattheo saying "but I would miss you and you can't just kill yourself." Y/n "why not it's so simple I know how to do it"

Mattheo"you what you've used the killing curse before "

Y/n "why don't we talk about it in the morning "

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