Staying with the Riddles

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You get changed into this

A/n: yes your wearing shorts ,okay?

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A/n: yes your wearing shorts ,okay?

You head down to dinner

Mattheo"wow put some pants on"
He says sarcastically
Angelica"Shut the fuck up" I say sarcastically while I sit down I then see Narcissa and smile at her

Voldemort"my son is right do put some pants on "

Angelica"I am wearing pants!" I snap and I start getting warm as if I might not be able to control my powers and burn the house down on accident Mattheo notices and puts his hand on my thigh I try to take it off but he won't let me making me turn a deep shade of red but I try to cover it up by playing with fire on my fingers but Bellatrix knew to well she looked at me just shaking her head laughing

Narcissa" Bella what is so funny?"
Bellatrix"Mattheo and Angelica"
Mattheo "What do you mean? How are we funny mom?"
Before Bella can answer I use my powers to splash water in her face,
Bella and I have always gotten along she is in someway like a mother and best friend to me I don't know what I would do without her
Bellatrix "Hey! No fair I don't have powers!"
Angelica"so therefore I win"
Mattheo"wow my mom and my g--...
friend are fighting like siblings ."

A/n: italicized means you in your mind bold italicized words mean Mattheo is speaking in your mind

I wonder what he was going to say why did he backtrack ?

Because I was going to say girlfriend but were not dating so

Well get your hand off my thigh PLEASE!

I don't think I  will

Why not?

Because it seems to calm you down am I correct?

We both look into each others eyes not realizing that Malfoy was watching us and taking a video

Well am I correct?

Yes you are

I thought so

He slides his hand up a bit only a few inches away from my panties


Yes love?

Move your hand!!!

Okay if you insist  

He slides his hand up again now his middle finger slightly resting on my panties

That is not what I meant and y'know it

Well I'm not moving my hand again so get used to it

"I hate you " I say out loud and everyone looks surprised where that came from except Mattheo who replied with"no you don't "

Angelica"mmmmm yea I do "
Mattheo"since when because last I knew you liked me"

Now that your dad knows he'll probably kill me

Nah he sees you like a daughter already its fine

Voldemort" oh? "
Angelica" I'll be in my room Mattheo move your fucking hand before I make you"

At that Mattheo moves his hand so that it looks like hes being arrested and I get up to leave I go to my room and pull out  my favorite stuffed animal

At that Mattheo moves his hand so that it looks like hes being arrested and I get up to leave I go to my room and pull out  my favorite stuffed animal

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Bellatrix got it for me last Christmas and I LOVE it I cuddled with it until I heard Mattheo come in

Mattheo "knock knock "
Angelica " who's there?"
Mattheo "Brittany Spears "
Angelica"Brittany Spears who?"
Mattheo "knock knock "
Angelica" who's there?"
Mattheo "Brittany Spears "
Angelica" Brittany Spears who?"
Mattheo " opps I did it again "
Angelica"oh my god you listen to muggle music too?"
Bellatrix" hey lovebirds time for bed "
Mattheo "OH MY GOD"

Mattheo" I never told you my middle name?"
Angelica"oh ummm yea ya did in ummm 1st year"
Mattheo"ok well what is your middle name then?
Angelica" my full name Is Angelica Astrid Sheila "
Bellatrix" off to bed now "
You both get into your beds and you eventually drift of to sleep.

A/n: they already canceled school for tomorrow yay

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now