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I don't want to leave Hogwarts I think just as we board the train I decided that I would sit with Hermione on the train one last time before shes. Wait I dont want to say it but I guess I must,dead.
I go sit with Hermione but then  I'm loaded down with questions! So I tell them what happened at the ministry of magic. Well I say this "So Dumbledore took me to the ministry of magic and well after they (the minister of magic and Dumbledore)talked for a while Dumbledore asked if I was  adopted and I said yes then he looked at me and said  y/N honey you're the child of an angel and so I can control the five elements

Hermione "five? There are only four.
Y/n "there are five but I must unlock the 5th so yeah I'm the child of an angel.

Ron" so were all going straight to the burrow so umm yep.

The three just talked and talked but you had never been to the borrow before and so you were very nervous Again but when we get to Kings Cross I felt calmer as I saw Mrs.Weasely's warm smile almost as if it were cuddling me

Mrs.Weasely"ahh Harry,Ron,Hermione how have you been?Oh sweety I dont think I've met you before what's your name dearie?
Well Dumbledore told me that my name is actually Angelica Sheila.

"Ummm Angelica Sheila "

Molly"whha that is impossible you were found dead years ago "
Angelica"I WHAT???"

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