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After I said that she looked as if she might flood the whole castle.
I am extremely worried that she'll say no but I have to keep waiting for an answer, that is if she answers.
I had had gotten a ring for her.

(If this is not the ring for you be free to change it and put it in the comments ♡)

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(If this is not the ring for you be free to change it and put it in the comments ♡)

I'm now wondering if she is really in love with me or is it someone else? Why else would she be taking so long to answer? I guess I could just read her mind? No, I don't want to know if she is thinking about someone else.


I had to answer. But I just couldn't find words for, I was already to happy.
I finally found some.


Mattheo" calm down I love you more"
Angelica"hmmmm not possible"
He leans down and kisses me.

Dumbledore" Now do be getting to class I will tell the staff to now call you Mrs.Riddle."
Angelica" Oh you don't have to tell Professor Snape."
Dumbledore" noted and would you like me to make an announcement about this or would you two like to tell people?"
Angelica"oh we'll tell people but thank you Professor Dumbledore."
Dumbledore" of course.......Mrs.Riddle. But may I ask one thing?"
Angelica" uhhh sure?"
Dumbledore" do you two plan to have kids during this time you are still at Hogwarts?"
Angelica" uhmm we don't plan on it."
Mattheo chuckled lightly.
Dumbledore"ok now as I said before do be getting to class now."



Hermione" hey are you eating lunch with us or him?"
She said him as if it were some disgusting, forbidden word.
Keeping my cool I said politely "Actually we have something to show you guys!"
I showed them the ring. They all looked upset. Mattheo and I just walked away over to our friends.
We both walk over and sit down still both smiling brightly.

Draco" why are you two so happy? Did you just fuck?"
Angelica" what eww no we haven't even- ewwww!"
Mattheo burst out laughing!
Mattheo"oh so you get engaged to me and all of a sudden I'm eww?"
At that I laughed too.
Angelica" Noo were just planning for the future YES!" I said this very sarcastically and they all just looked at us and I saw Theodore leaving.


They are ENGAGED! Oml but we're still young?  I got up and left. My thoughts consumed me. Welp is until I hit a wall.
"Owww" I groan in pain.
Ok but we broke up only 4 days ago are they really in love? Is Angelica being forced into a marriage with him? Should I ask her?


Mattheo and I went to my dorm and cuddled


Y'all got lucky I thought about saying no
So be happy
Anyway how is ur life?

Mine is stupid.

Anyway Vote,Comment and Follow ♡

- Liv🦋

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now