uh oh

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(A/N: TW, SUICIDE!! IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU, DO NOT READ!!! If you have gone through smth similar I am so so so sorry for you, my PMS are always open<3)


There I lay, in bed thinking.

 Thinking about what he said.

 What if I am pregnant?

How do I kill Hermione?

 What if I die? 

What if he dies?

 What if I find my past?

 What did Dumblewhore mean about a 5th element?

 What is it? 

When will it come?

What if I'm not ready for the power?

With great power comes great responsibility... 

What if Enzo dies?

 What if Lyla dies?

 Lyla is my bff, I can't live without her, I'm still mad a little, not as much though I would die without her...I miss Annabelle and Sophie...When will life get better?

If it doesn't then let me die already! People say "Oh your fine!" and "It'll get better" ...but here I am waiting...I have been waiting for 8 years...nothing has gotten better, still unloved by my parents, my sister now has to die and I have to kill her. 

Dobby has more wives than I have friends...

These are just useless thoughts!

 People have it way worse than I do!

 So why not help them? 

Why sit here and just die helplessly?

I want it to all just end...

All the pain and suffering will be gone...

I will have a new life...

I'll get to not have all this pressure to live up to be some great savior like they want...

Shouldn't that be Harry?

I mean...Harry is easy to torment...I can see why Hermione is his friend...

Could I be a new person if I just end this all?

It's not like anyone cares if I'm here or not...

That's it!

I get up and go to the Black lake and sit, it's my calming place to be there.

It also gave me an idea...

I jumped in the water...as I sank to the bottom all these amazing memories were rushing to my head...

Then I saw someone coming...

My head felt dizzy, It was hard to breathe...

Then I see grass, dead, but still grass, I hear voices yelling...

I feel my eyes droop...

The voices gets fainter with each second...

I felt water in my lungs...

I start gasping for air, but nothing comes...

I whisper one last thing before the end hopefully comes...

The pain is gone...

"I love you with more than my heart Mattheo..."

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now