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Dobby"master Riddle your laundry is done and folded"
Mattheo" thank you Dobby now go pick out a sock"
Weird excited Dobby noises.
I hit Mattheo on the arm.
Mattheo"owwwww Enzo was right it does hurt when you hit someone ah why did you even hit me omg why does it hurt"
Angelica" why are you making a poor house elf do your laundry? Hermione was right we do need S.p.e.w."
Draco" s. P. E. W. Spew?
Angelica"no The Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare god don't you read"
Mattheo"since when do you read love?"
Angelica"oh ya know since FOREVER I was almost put in Ravenclaw for a reason"
Mattheo"well I'm glad you were put in Slytherin"
Draco"now we know you're definitely dating"
Angelica"were not!" I say annoyed
Mattheo"oh  nothing I just want to do this ro quick" He flips you around so that your facing each other and then leans down so that your lips are just millimeters apart
Angelica"d-d-d-do wh-wh-wha-wha-what?" I ask nervously
"This" He says before smashing his lips on to mine when,he pulls away everyone even Voldemort start saying stuff like "I knew it " or '' I told you so"
Until Bella said "Wait Mattheo still hasn't asked Angelica to be his girlfriend" I just stood there looking astonished until Mattheo said something which snapped me back to reality he said "yep and it was ONE kiss that's all we will never date because I will never ask her to be my girlfriend so"
Everyone but me says"WHAT ARE YOU INSANE!?"

Angelica"no hes not"
Bellatrix"yes he is"
Angelica"I'll be right back" I go upstairs and grab my trunk
Angelica"Bye" I apperate back to the Burrow knowing I must talk to Hermione  as soon as I enter I get hug attacked by Hermione
Hermione"omg angie are you ok? Where did you stay?"
Angelica"ok calm down hon I'm fine maybe a little bit more emotional now but I'm fine i stayed ummmmmm- OH SHIT!"
Molly comes into the room "oh Angelica hi I'm so sorry about reacting like that you can stay here as long as you would like"
Angelica" Thank you Mrs.Weasely"
Molly"1 hour till dinner"she walks off
Angelica"ok boys OUT"
The boys walk out and you quickly shut the door behind them then you sit down on the bed next to Hermione and Ginny and tell them everything about your few days with the Riddles.

Ginny"wait so he kissed you then said he will never date you everyone asked him if was insane because he is then you said hes not and left?"
Angelica"yea that pretty much sums it up "
Hermione"omg girl you have got to go talk to him"
Angelica"oh I can't do that till at school whe-AHHH" You scream in pain in your arm as you pull up your sleeve you see a flower growing out of your arm.
Hermione"oh god are you okay what is going on with your arm?"
Angelica"yea I'm fine I just got the earth element" You say this as your arm stops hurting.
Ginny" Earth element? Ok y/n I'm gonna need some help here. WHAT?"

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now