Killing curse

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Did she just say that she has used Avada Kedavera before

Y/n"yep I did just say that you got a problem with it"

Mattheo"umm yeah you're 11 right "

Y/n"technically yes but your father seems to think I'm like 16"

Mattheo" okay you're scary" 

Y/n" awwww thanks "

Mattheo" oh by the way I failed like all my classes last year so looks like we have class together by the way what's your name again"

Y/n " you can call me y/N" (your nickname)

Mattheo "okay call me Theo "

A/N: time skip to 3rd year ( no you're not dating yet)

Y/n " hey Theo"

Theo"yes mi amor"

Y/n "ughhhh stop calling me that"

Theo" okay princess" 

Y/n " Anyway come play truth or dare with us "

Theo sits next to you

A/N : using initials draco is Malfoy

P" Blaise truth or dare"


P" I dare you to kiss Daphne"

D" no no no no n-"

She is cut off by Blaise kissing her

All of a sudden your arm burns and you know Voldemort wants you (Mattheo doesn't know you have the dark mark)

Y/n"ummm i have to go"

Y/n apperates to Malfoy Manor

Voldemort" ahh yes you came I have a task for you but you must use the killing curse on your sister she is very close with Harry Potter and if he has less of his close friends then he will be easier to kill"

Y/n " of course " I say trying to bite back tears

Voldemort" you may go now "

Y/n apperates back and runs straight into her dorm and breaks down crying.

Theo"what's wrong princess"

Y/n"your father wants me to kill Mione because she's close friends with scarhead"

Theo just stood there speechless not knowing if he should yell at her or just comfort her

A/n: I was on my tablet when I did this chapter so it's not how I wanted it but oh well 

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