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Hi so I wanted to let you all know that I will probably rarely update this book from here on, also another thank you to @marthenia13 for being an awesome friend. Also I was thinking of doing it so that Hermione and Draco want to double date with Angie and Mattheo or, We can skip ahead a few weeks to when Mattheo is talking to us again.
I don't care y'all chose this time.
If you want here is an update on my life you don't have to read if you do not want to it is up to you completely.

So I somehow ended up telling my mom that I have a crush. She was cool about it. I was embarrassed though. And my bff got banned from roblox so go her. I finally watched and started reading Twilight last night. If you would like I can make a series of Twilight too? I don't care. Anyway at school we are doing something in music with recorders and my god. They are difficult to play. Math is stupid. (As always.)

So how are you guys?
I love you all!
Thank you so much for 1.6K reads!
Have a wonderful day/night!

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Hi guys soo do you like Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Daphne, or Pansy most?? (Ima add more of them for you!♡)

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