Back to Hogwarts

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We got to Kings Cross and boarded the train Hermione wanted me to sit with her but I said no and went to go find my Slytherin friends when I found them I saw that the only seat left was next to Mattheo so I reluctantly sat down next to him as I sat down both Mattheo and Draco just stared at me then Draco pulled out his phone and pulled up the video of me and Mattheo staring into eachother's eyes.
Oh shit why does he have that? I mean it's not like me and Mattheo are together but still I sort of wish we were together I mean he is cu- OMG NO I CAN'T BE THINKING THIS!

No it's okay you can think that but tell me do you really think I'm cute??

As I say no he just looks astonished
Draco" No what?"
Just then the train stops and everything freezes and it's dark out I felt weird as if- as if I would never be happy again I suddenly knew what was going on
Angelica"...Demntors...everyone stay here."
I whispered to everyone I grabbed my wand and stood up and left the compartment before anyone could say something I saw Harry also walking around with his wand out when he saw me he immediately said " what are you doing out here angie you need to go back to your compartment where it's safe"
Just then a dementor pinned him up against a compartment door and he dropped his wand I knew I had to do something
A silver mist shot out of my wand and for the first time ever took shape of something I don't quite know what it was but I do know that it was beautiful. I snapped back to reality quickly and sent it after the dementor.

(Your patronus looks like this)

After about 15 minutes me and Harry had cleared the whole train of dementors we headed back to go to our separate compartments before I went into mine with the rest of my friends I stopped by the trolley and got some chocolate I gave some to Harry...

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After about 15 minutes me and Harry had cleared the whole train of dementors we headed back to go to our separate compartments before I went into mine with the rest of my friends I stopped by the trolley and got some chocolate I gave some to Harry and kept the rest for my friends incase they needed it
Harry" when did you learn to do that you are better than me even at the patronus charm and I've been doing it for years?"
Angelica"oh umm it was the first spell i ever did Hermione gave me one of her books and I thought that spell sounded cool so I tried it and it worked welp this is my compartment so bye Harry by the way eat you'll feel better."
Harry"oh yea thanks,bye Angie"
I wave bye then I step into my compartment and sit back down I see Enzo on the floor and immediately knelt to the ground and put his head up so that he was sitting and I gave him some chocolate that he ate and felt better after only like 13 seconds
Enzo"thanks Y/n"
I flinched at that name I had not been called y/n all summer and only a few of my friends knew my real name
Angelica" uhhh yea uh huh yep ummm you're welcome"
Theodore"why did you flich?"
Blaise"and stutter?"
Before I could say anything I heard someone else's voice answering their questions

Mattheo" because her name is actually Angelica Astrid Sheila not Y/n Kathryn Granger and she has not been called y/n all summer or at least not by me am I correct?"
Angelica" yes"
Daphne"wait were you two staying together all summer?"
Angelica" nope only a few days before he kissed me and I left"
Mattheo"okay that's not what happened I-"
Draco" Dude don't bother that's exactly what happened so don't try to lie"
Pansy" ok ok but why did the train stop earlier and why did we see a bunch of this silver mist in weird shapes? "
Angelica" Well the train stopped because of dementors so me and Harry used the patronus charm to get rid of them and a patronus take a certain form that relates to the person of whom wheelds it Harry's takes the form of a stag mine takes the form of a pegasus or a horse with wings"
Daphne"can you show us how the patroneom thing-a-majig charm works?"
Angelica"its patronus charm and sure I guess so but first Enzo you ok now?"
Enzo"yea I am now show us the charm please"
I let out a little giggle and stand up I grab my wand
A pegasus came galloping out of my wand and everyone gasped and Theodore said"Alexander?"
I immediately turned around and saw my ex boyfriend standing right in front of me.

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now