🌊 Water 🌊

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I was walking in the rain to clear my head when I heard yelling and saw spells being shot I then saw the death eaters trying to kill Hermione I ran over and a death eater tried killing her and it almost worked when all of a sudden the spell hit me or so I thought?

A Sheila looking shield of water protected me 

"She's mine" I say trying not to look just as surprised as they did I never knew water could protect  and why didn't it protect Hermione?

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"She's mine" I say trying not to look just as surprised as they did I never knew water could protect  and why didn't it protect Hermione?

"Oh Ms. Granger sorry" one said 

Y/n" don't touch my sister she is my job ...... to protect" I say the last part really fast so that Hermione doesn't get suspicious and the death eaters apperates back

Hermione"how do they know our last name? What was that shield of water and what do you mean I'm yours to protect

Y/n"bye Mione" I say walking off  quickly when I get back to Slytherin common room I call a group meeting soon everyone is in the common room

A/n: using initials draco is Malfoy

P"what is wrong"

Y"well death eaters just tried to kill my sister and almost me but I have some weird news and I need help figuring something out" 

All but you "Death eaters what!" 

Y" I'll tell you later but for now I have to tell you something"you tell them what happened

E" wait you can control water no way show us"

Y" okay "

You get a glass of water then move your hand up and a bubble pops up

M&T&B "woah cool" 

You leave and go tell mad eye since he has been like a dad to you this year  you knock on his office door and hear Dumbledore say come in???? You enter and say "oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something"

Dumbledore" no not at all Ms. Granger what is going on "

Y/n " ummmmmmmm well I can control water without using a wand"

Mad eye" what " 

Dumbledore" show us" 

You get another glass of water and do the same thing

Dumbledore "Ms. Granger come with me now" he holds out his arm which you take hold of and he apperates you to the ministry of magic 

Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now