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4 days after the ball.

I was drawing in my notebook I looked down and saw something?

I was bored and we were in potions class ok!?Just then someone started laughing

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I was bored and we were in potions class ok!?
Just then someone started laughing.
Snape" Tell me Mr.Riddle, what could possibly be so funny that you have to disrupt my class?"

Mattheo" Nothing,Professor Ballerina- I..mean uhmm Professor Snape."
Snape comes over and looks in my notebook.
Snape" Mr. And Mrs.Riddle Detention for a month."
Angelica" yes Proffes-wait WHAT?"
Snape" Detention"
Angelica" no what's my name?"
Snape" Mrs.Riddle?"
I playfully hit Mattheo on the arm.


Dumbledore had requested to see me and Mattheo after class.
After D.A.D.A was over me and Mattheo went down to Dumbledore's office.
Dumbledore" come in"
We walked in I was unsure why he had requested to see us but Mattheo seemed to know what we were doing there.
Dumbledore" as requested Mr.Riddle a private meeting."
"Thank you Professor" As maMattheo said this he smirked and so did Dumbledore.

Then Mattheo leaned down and kissed me.
Angelica"ok is everything alright? Did someone die?"
Mattheo chuckled lightly. He took my hand and GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE!!

Mattheo" Angelica Astrid Sheila will you make me happier than everyone on earth and marry me once I graduate?"


Soo How many of you are gonna kill me?

How do you like this ch.?
Is the suspense gonna kill y'all?

ok just for clarification yes you are in your 4th year Mattheo is in his 5th year.
How do you like the pic of Snape?

Anyway Vote,Comment,Follow!

-Liv 🦋

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