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A/n: a thanks to @Avaluvgood and @shamarabee for helping me get this story going and helping to make it better!♡

Alexander came and sat down across from me. I scoot a bit closer to Mattheo, but not enough for anyone but him to notice.
He whispers in my ear
Mattheo" it's ok I got you."
Someone starts speaking causing me to jump.
Angelica"I-I-Im going to go back to my d-d-dorm."
Mattheo" I'll come with you."
We both leave and Theodore followed us
When we got back to Slytherin common room the three of us sat down I lay on Mattheo's chest.
Theodore"hey angie isn't your birthday today"
Angelica"oh yea whatever"
Mattheo"nope we will be right back with your gifts okay?"
"Okay" I giggled and he gave me a peck on the lips making me blush
As soon as they left I heard Hermione's voice and I got up and opened the door to the common room and saw Harry,Ron,Hermione all looking at me
Harry and Hermione had gifts in their hands
Harry"Happy Birthday Ang"
Angelica"oh thanks Harry, come in guys what are you waiting for?"
At that they all walked in and sat down
Hermione" here angie open my gift first"

Hermione had got me a book

Hermione had got me a book

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Harry got me a phone case

He says that my patronus is to beautiful to not be seen all the time just like me and that made me blush like crazy which Hermione noticed Ron"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything but I dont know you that well"Angelica"Its okay Ron I don't care-" I...

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He says that my patronus is to beautiful to not be seen all the time just like me and that made me blush like crazy which Hermione noticed
Ron"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything but I dont know you that well"
Angelica"Its okay Ron I don't care-"
I was cut of by a bird flying into the common room and sitting on my shoulder I saw that there was a letter tied to its leg so I untied it and began reading

He says that my patronus is to beautiful to not be seen all the time just like me and that made me blush like crazy which Hermione noticed Ron"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything but I dont know you that well"Angelica"Its okay Ron I don't care-" I...

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Real Love ( Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Granger)Where stories live. Discover now