The Yule Ball

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I catch up with Theo, Marina had gone to sit with the Ravenclaws (she is a Ravenclaw)
Theo" Hey babe"
Angelica" Heyyy soo I found someone to go to the yule ball with haha you'll believe who asked me"
Theo" Who Harrold?"
Angelica" Its Harry and No!"
Theo" well who then?"
Omg boys are so dumb
Angelica" you'll seeeeeeee."

There are now 3 hours till the yule ball and me and Pansy had not even started getting ready!

So I put on my dress, did my makeup, did my hair, and painted my nails.

*my dress

*my dress

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My hair

My makeup

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My makeup

My makeup

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My nails

And I put on the necklace that Mattheo had got me for my birthday a few months ago

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And I put on the necklace that Mattheo had got me for my birthday a few months ago

And I put on the necklace that Mattheo had got me for my birthday a few months ago

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As I walked out of the bathroom I saw pansy in this

Angelica" are you seriously wearing my dress  to the yule ball?"Pansy" yes?"Angelica"nope! Here catch!" I threw her a dress

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Angelica" are you seriously wearing my dress  to the yule ball?"
Pansy" yes?"
Angelica"nope! Here catch!" I threw her a dress

Angelica" OH MY DARK LORD YOU LOOK STUNNING!" Pansy"thanks oh by the way Mattheo is here for you, but I thought you would go with Theodore your boyfriend?"Angelica" nope thanks tell him to wait though"

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Pansy"thanks oh by the way Mattheo is here for you, but I thought you would go with Theodore your boyfriend?"
Angelica" nope thanks tell him to wait though"

Pansy walks down and I hear a lot of "ohh"'s and "ahh"s
Now it's time for me to go down I'm really nervous and I take a deep breath and go down.

(Pretend that is you)
Mattheo offers his arm which I take.
Angelica" why thank you kind sir." I say jokingly
Mattheo" your welcome ma' lady" He says with a huge grin on his face. As we walk into the Great Hall I feel all eyes on us.
Then Mattheo leans down and whispers something in my ear  "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?"
My heart skipped a beat and I blushed
He loves ME??
You better believe it!!
But why me?
Because you're beautiful and kind and smart and protective and I love you for your personality, because it is amazing!
Yes Really! Now shut up and dance with me!!
Ok ok calm down! I want you to know that I love you too.
But don't you have a boyfriend?
Things can change. Plus I think hes into Daphne.
Theodore and Daphne I think we should call them Thaphne!
Hmmm I like it!
He leaned down and kissed me without any warning I was shocked but happy at the same time.
Angelica" what did I do to deserve you?"
Mattheo" I should be the one asking that question know shouldn't I?"
I blushed harder and then realized that Theo was staring at us.
Angelica" ok I don't care you're into Daphne anyway!"
Theodore" dont go telling everyone, but wait how did you find out I was cheating on you?"
Angelica" waaiiit YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME

Mattheo took me by my hand and dragged me to the Astronomy Tower.
Angelica" what was that for? I wanted to beat his ass!"
Mattheo" oh trust me I know"
Angelica" then why didn't you let me?"
Mattheo" because" I saw him smirk.
Angelica" I-" I stop as i feel my back hit the wall. Mattheo pins me with one hand above my head and the other at my waist. I could feel his warm breath against my face.
Mattheo" Do you like this position?" He asked me still smirking. Before I could answer he kissed me. Then made his way down to my neck.
"Mattheo...-" I moaned.
I could feel him smirk even wider if that's possible.
Angelica" I-I-I thin-think we should uhmmm go uhh go back to the uh the uh the-the the ball.
I had not been this flustered in a while.
Mattheo" okay if you say so"
A/n: some may not like this ch. At all but hey!

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