The hug

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Theo walked over to my bed and hugged me tightly then said " you know I never liked your sister anyway" like what the actual hell he then he realized what he said" I'm sorry I never was good at comforting people" he gets up to leave but then I said" stay" so he got back on the bed and wrapped his cold arms around me just then pansy walks in (we share a dorm) she sees me crying and knows why, she is the only one who I told i was a death eater to  until now since i told Theo to now.

Pansy"Y/n I told you just say no if he asks for you to do that"

Y/n" pans I can't just say no he'll kill me "

Theo" wait pansy knew you were a death eater be for me and I'm literally a riddle"

To lighten the mood I decided to joke around a little bit and said" yeah that no one can solve "Theo then got up and left but before closing the door he says " Bye Bye BITCHES"

I just smile and laugh his scent still leangered on my bed and it smelled SO GOOD 

A/n:time skip  to later that week 

Pansy "girl you totally are head over heals for him"

A mysterious voice from behind you says" head over heals for who " you flip around to see the Slytherin gang " OH SHI-" Pansy is cut off by you pulling her out of the common room you went down to lunch but you were 2 hours early so you sat there and drew and pansy left just then "Mad eye" walked in "what are you doing here so early ms. Granger? " And I said "oh just drawing thinking about how to deal with all this drama"   

Mad eye" what drama"

You" oh the Slytherin gang all heard that I like a boy but don't know who " 

Mad eye" well I'm guessing it's that boy you're drawing there " he points to my notebook

I hadn't even realized that I was drawing Theo just then people started coming in for lunch I just kept drawing  and pansy sat on my left and Malfoy on my right Blaise across from me Theo across from Malfoy and Daphne across from Pansy ,Pansy star...

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I hadn't even realized that I was drawing Theo just then people started coming in for lunch I just kept drawing  and pansy sat on my left and Malfoy on my right Blaise across from me Theo across from Malfoy and Daphne across from Pansy ,Pansy started laughing when she saw what I was drawing then Malfoy saw and raised an eyebrow and also started laughing then Blaise saw and laughed then Daphne but not Theo because before he could see it I walked to the astronomy tower


Theo "why are you laughing"

Malfoy "did you not see what she was drawing?"

Theo" no what was it "

Blaise" it was you bro and really well I had no idea she could draw so well"

Your POV 

I can't stop thinking about that hug it was so nice and it felt right he was cold but warm at the same time and he's so handsome ughhhh I wish he liked me back

A/n : did anyone get my reference for bye bye bitches? 

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